Their temple leader, Halmid Albiz Allah, who was born in Ontario, Canada, under the westerner name of Donald Keller, had no middle-eastern blood in him but had apparently converted to Islam a couple years previous under the guidance from sources outside of Canada. Halmid Albiz Allah had set up his Hamas chapter six months prior to this day and was working with intense enthusiasm to fulfil the "glory of god".
Indeed Halmid was of all white descent, but this was of no concern to his Islamic brothers who were under his guidance. For it was the will of Allah to destroy the infidel.....the Jew. And together for the love of God, they would fulfil the will of Allah, with GLORY!
Word surfaced within the Hamas chapter that in one month’s time there would be a large gathering of Jewish Defence League adherents inside of the local synagogue for the Jewish holiday Hanukkah (Festival of Lights). As many powerful politicians in the area are secretly Jewish or practicing Judaism outside of the public view, there would no doubt be some strong political numbers in attendance to this event.
The pot began to stir and plans began to unravel....
All twenty-two Islamic adherents gathered at the late hours of the afternoon in the secret underground temple to pray. Halmid had a dead calm over him, for he knew of the storm that lay ahead. Keeping silent during this time of praise, Halmid instead assumed a state of deep meditation...
Three hours later...
“Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!...” The chanting of the Islamic brotherhood roared with VIOLENT anticipation as leader Halmid dictated to them...
“Death to the INFIDEL! Death to the Jew!, Death to ALL who OPPOSE the will of Allah! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar!”
Today was the day of judgement and today was the day the wrath of God would punish and eradicate the Infidels. Today was December 11, 2008, Hanukkah.
Each man as practiced for some previous months, then strapped around their draped cloth bodies, eighty-eight sticks of dynamite. This time the dynamite was live and they each had a homemade sub machine gun to accompany them on their final journey to Allah. Halmid had previously obtained two blank white vans with tinted windows. The men quickly ran out of the underground temple and one by one packed into the two vans and sped off. Halmid took a separate vehicle and followed the two vans to their destination.
All three vehicles arrived outside of the synagogue in the parking lot across the street. Halmid pulled up beside them and stepped out of his black jeep.
The young men sat silently in the two vans awaiting further instruction, not a word was spoken in this time. Halmid stood outside his jeep dressed head to toe in a black draped cloth garment, wearing a balaclava over his head. He stared at the synagogue with a raging fire in his eyes, watching the sunset. All of his hard efforts were about to pay off...
It was not long until it was pitch black outside, except for the festival lighting up the city around the Jewish synagogue. Hanukkah had begun.
Halmid signalled for the men to step out of the vans quietly and to check their weapons to make sure they were locked and loaded. Halmid then said to all the men whom stood before him: “Make no excuses for yourselves this day. You shall be rewarded according to your deeds.”
Upon those words the twenty-two men quickly ushered across the street to the front entrance of the synagogue. They opened the door and stormed into the building, locking the door from the inside with a lock they had brought along. The building was packed with hundreds of members of JDL, dozens of politicians and even more rabbis and common Jewish citizens. The Hamas fired three shots into the air to declare their entrance and began to chant “Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar” upon which everyone began to scream. A small group of JDL ran towards the group and were shot down immediately, sending streams of blood rushing throughout the floor. The Muslims made their way into the center of the building as they began to become surrounded by the screaming Jews who could only imagine what was about to happen to them.
Outside across the street, Donald stood, staring into a strange sigil which he had hidden in his pocket. In front of him was a pile of ashes from what was once the religious garments he had worn only minutes previous. Donald began to chant, “Agios Abatu Kthunae! Agios Abatu Kthunae! Agios Abatu Kthunae!”
The screams from inside the synagogue got louder and more desperate as guns fired relentlessly. Suddenly, there was an enormous bang! The building instantaneously erupted in an explosion of fire and black smoke sending pieces of the building flying in all directions. Donald should have been thrown to the ground by the blast but, instead stood strong. A large drop of blood splashed onto the sigil which he held in his hands as he was nearly deafened by a unified scream which seemed to echo forth from the explosion, which actually sounded more like a roaring hiss.
When the smoke cleared, Donald could see that some of the surrounding area of the synagogue had actually been charred from the intense heat of the explosion.
Donald quickly got back into his jeep and started the engine. He could hear sirens blaring in the distance. With a cold stare, and a stark grin, Donald drove off into the night...
(Part I)