Mods at Incel .is are twisted and mentally ill

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Yes i was banned from that Kike / Nigger run cesspit . But it seems the Mods are boasting about there so called super - powers
Acorn was hard banned from for posting a thread about this forum . Uggo Mongo said this in Ban Discussion Thread.
'' Don't worry about it. It's retards LARPing as violent militants, putting out ISIS style videos, if you want to join that you are fucking retarded. ''
'' Nay, 'twas a hard ban ''
''We are privy to more information than you are, and it was clear that he was put up to it by either Dork or Alek. Other members like PoodankMcGee were hardbanned for the same reason, affiliation with those retards, he risked his account by posting that at their behest and he has only himself to blame . ''
Really you lame Faggot .
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Almond wrote: 18 Nov 2024, 22:27 Yes i was banned from that Kike / Nigger run cesspit . But it seems the Mods are boasting about there so called super - powers
Acorn was hard banned from for posting a thread about this forum . Uggo Mongo said this in Ban Discussion Thread.
'' Don't worry about it. It's retards LARPing as violent militants, putting out ISIS style videos, if you want to join that you are fucking retarded. ''
'' Nay, 'twas a hard ban ''
''We are privy to more information than you are, and it was clear that he was put up to it by either Dork or Alek. Other members like PoodankMcGee were hardbanned for the same reason, affiliation with those retards, he risked his account by posting that at their behest and he has only himself to blame . ''
Really you lame Faggot .
I read everything that the degenerate simp faggot cunt known as Uggo Mongo wrote in that particular thread and even replied to his disgusting and ignorant insinuations about our heroic and valiant revolutionary exploits in my thread pertaining to which you will find pinned to the general boards here.

Unlike those fucking weak fools at .is who rule in a completely arbitrary and capricious manner and who ban long serving and very engaging users such as myself and LT McGee (poodank) for entirely unjust reasons, we here in the IBM are committed to ensuring that everyone be given equitable consideration and treated with maximal fairness. As a real world lawyer who earned a Juris Doctorate, am committed to providing maximal due process protections to all our members and no one will ever be prejudiced unfairly here.

Also, please actually listen to my most recent speech in the thread I referred you to above as I adumbrate all that is wrong with .is and all that is glorious and great about our actual real world movement. Fuck those faggots, I would like for anyone one of them to try and meet me in real life and challenge me to either armed or unarmed combat.
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
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Yes i did listen to speech on Incel is . Gobbels would be proud . They are so jealous and green with envy its driving then to commit spiteful childish retaliation acts .
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Almond wrote: 18 Nov 2024, 23:24 Yes i did listen to speech on Incel is . Gobbels would be proud . They are so jealous and green with envy its driving then to commit spiteful childish retaliation acts .
Thank you for the great honor of paying me such a compliment as to be compared with the brilliant and honorable Minister Gobbles whom I admire greatly both for his truecel status as a deformed manlet as much as for his rhetorical genius. And yes, those cunts on .is are as weak minded as they are weak in body. I have challenged both Master and Fat Link to come and debate me on the neutral grounds of discord but, being the cowardly, corrupt, simp faggots bitches that they are, they know full well that I will employ my legal training and lawyermaxxed skills to annihilate them.
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Welcome brother, anyone banned from that cesspit and their corrupt, monopolistic administration can have a home here.

Fat Link is completely simped for Selkie Girl and open for fakecels and normies, while Master doesnt give a fuck about the community at large and runs a whole network of forums. Master's former partner and cofounder SergeantIncel openly collaborated with anti-extremist activist groups like Naama Kates and Light Upon Light. And he co-wrote journal articles with Homeland Security officials like Anne Speckhard.

Yet they accuse us of being grifters and feds! While Master makes money off the suicides of incels on Sanctioned Suicide and exploits the delusions of sub-5 men on Looksmax. While SergeantIncel gives information to activists and literal feds!

I speak in details here because this is verifiable fact I have researched myself that can be located in publicly available sources. Any discerning incel can realize this, but too many are either too low iq and stupid to do so. They are too attached to their clique and their forum history and the 'official' incel website to understand this and build an alternative that truly furthers the interests of the community
Your body, my choice :ssFrog:
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