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Caution For Low-Inhibmaxxing Incels

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:10 am
by Truecel
Normies don't train to become low-inhib. They just decide one day they are going to do something sinister and nefarious. There's zero thought process behind it. They may have elaborated a plan but it doesn't take effort for them. When an A.I is coded to do something, it doesn't hesitate and wait for instructions. It does what its capable of doing.

Likewise the normie easily commits mass murder, war crimes, rape of children and animals without a sense of remorse. Statiscally normies make up 100% of the crimes. Incels never posed a threat to society aside from a select brave tera based few who don't even account for 1%.

Even if you trained in martial arts and are well knowledged and equipped in firearms, you need to understand your not a normie.

I'm not saying this to discourage the IBM or to say that you as an incel is unable to defend himself against normies. What I'm saying is that it takes time for an incel to truly break down their high-inhib barriers before they truly can become able to display a sense of control in being low-inhib.

Just remember the goal is to not out violence normies, they'll beat you in that since they were coded and hardwired since birth to be violent unless you are blessed with low inhib genes which isn't the case usually for incels.
Our goals should be to cause disruption long-term towards normie society without having to waste out time low-inhib maxxing in public like a fool.
The times where incels are able to out violence normies is when normies aren't well prepared and underestimate the incel's ability to practice self-defense. Through the art of surprise is how we will destroy normies, not head on like how normies want us to be. Take this into practical use and realize for an instance when dealing with normies whether in a workplace or in class, don't follow what they want you to do, go against their expectations of where they want you to be.

Low-inhibmaxxing has its place in an incel's life but its purpose is far from helpful when an incel finds out that in the real world violence is natural for normie sexhavers meanwhile here he is prepping himself to do what normies do with ease.

Re: Caution For Low-Inhibmaxxing Incels

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:31 am
by PoodankMcGee
Truecel wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:10 am Just remember the goal is to not out violence normies, they'll beat you in that since they were coded and hardwired since birth to be violent unless you are blessed with low inhib genes which isn't the case usually for incels.
Our goals should be to cause disruption long-term towards normie society without having to waste out time low-inhib maxxing in public like a fool.
The times where incels are able to out violence normies is when normies aren't well prepared and underestimate the incel's ability to practice self-defense. Through the art of surprise is how we will destroy normies, not head on like how normies want us to be. Take this into practical use and realize for an instance when dealing with normies whether in a workplace or in class, don't follow what they want you to do, go against their expectations of where they want you to be.
This part in particular is very insightful and high iq comrade. Unfortunately the state of our postmodern society makes it difficult to overwhelm normies by force of numbers and outright rebellion. Too many men are either sedated through feminizing entertainment and lifestyles, or are otherwise brainwashed into feminism and the bluepill such that they do not even realize their oppression, let alone protest it. It's caveman times anymore where we can just stone the alpha to death. Not even is it WWII times anymore where small-but-organized group and overthrow or coup a nation.

We will need to employee subtly, subversion, and psychological warfare for a long time until enough men are fed up with the status quo and are willing to organize and equip themselves for revolution. And only once that precondition is met can we truly employee or organization and state of surprise to rapidly overwhelm the simps and foids and restore our society to a patriarchal and honorable state.

Re: Caution For Low-Inhibmaxxing Incels

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:43 am
by Truecel
PoodankMcGee wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:31 am
Truecel wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:10 am Just remember the goal is to not out violence normies, they'll beat you in that since they were coded and hardwired since birth to be violent unless you are blessed with low inhib genes which isn't the case usually for incels.
Our goals should be to cause disruption long-term towards normie society without having to waste out time low-inhib maxxing in public like a fool.
The times where incels are able to out violence normies is when normies aren't well prepared and underestimate the incel's ability to practice self-defense. Through the art of surprise is how we will destroy normies, not head on like how normies want us to be. Take this into practical use and realize for an instance when dealing with normies whether in a workplace or in class, don't follow what they want you to do, go against their expectations of where they want you to be.
This part in particular is very insightful and high iq comrade. Unfortunately the state of our postmodern society makes it difficult to overwhelm normies by force of numbers and outright rebellion. Too many men are either sedated through feminizing entertainment and lifestyles, or are otherwise brainwashed into feminism and the bluepill such that they do not even realize their oppression, let alone protest it. It's caveman times anymore where we can just stone the alpha to death. Not even is it WWII times anymore where small-but-organized group and overthrow or coup a nation.

We will need to employee subtly, subversion, and psychological warfare for a long time until enough men are fed up with the status quo and are willing to organize and equip themselves for revolution. And only once that precondition is met can we truly employee or organization and state of surprise to rapidly overwhelm the simps and foids and restore our society to a patriarchal and honorable state.
I am deeply flattered for your kind remarks but I am light years away from being of high intelligence or insight, just sharing my keen observation of society over the course. I wish I could have but a fraction of intelligence I've seen many incels/truecels display with great ease in comparison to my poor imitation to 'try to be smart.'

I believe even I myself have been infected by the sedating effects of postmodern society's consumerism focused industry. I've been attempting to rinse down the past by replacing it with short bursts of cheap dopamine. I am guilty of this, sadly I don't know if I could step out of this even. They've got me already.

We would be shut down quickly if we were to organize in a private military fashion way. Probably best left as a last resort or a 'fantasy' to roleplay online. No offense to our beloved captain or IBM's values, just sharing my 2 cents.

Do you have any books or content that you could suggest to your fellow comrade as myself to increase my level of intelligence to employee the psychological warfare you mention?

This book Technological Slavery caught my eye. Ted K's IQ is far beyond ours and he really goes to the root of the matter in what we mentioned. I've yet to complete the book but I think this could be a good read for fellow comrades.
Made by the infamous Ted Kaczynski.
Here is a safe clean link: ... lavery.pdf
If you don't feel comfortable clicking the link: Search : technological slavery pdf
(The first results that pop up should do the trick.)