Life Is About Winning

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When your an ugly man who is neurodivergent and face unjust mistreatment throughout your whole life by normies, you go on a losing streak.

Play a competitive video game long enough and keep losing, do you still want to play it?

What normies do when you go out in the real world is that they prevent you from winning.
This is why I highly recommend incels to develop hobbies online that can be done solo. If you are not able to afford a computer or your not big into online hobbies, thats ok.
The two important parts are:
1) Something that can be done alone (music instrument, reading, listening to music,more)
2) Something you are ok with doing over and over again

In the real world you depend on the validation of normie co-workers, bosses and those around you to be able to improve or see any forms of 'wins.'

But you'll never feel that feeling of winning because normies will never let you. They will try to ruin your day or even your life.

Stick to solo activities or solo online activities whereas you are able to find accomplished and develop a win streak. Even if its a stupid hobby or you think its weird. Go for it.

Normies want to break down the very soul of an incel so that they can in hopes bring him to kill himself or destroy his life.
Please develop a win streak asap brocels, its for your own mental sake.

"But I'm not good at anything and I'm unmotivated and slow to learn." - That's ok brocel. Its important to know if your in this position, THAT'S OK. Don't be harsh on yourself. Life is hard enough for you already.
Then I would suggest doing or finding things you find fun. Video games, watching videos online and rotting.

So if you can't get a win streak, that's ok. Just stick to doing something and occupying yourself.
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