Bluepilled Lies That Blackpillers Still Believe

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1. Philosophy Pill

Philosophy doesn't work. Sounds good with its quotes. Sure it makes you sound smart so you can show of to everyone how intelligent you appear and maybe it helps you win some pointless debates with some random normie who could care less.
If your an incel, even more so a truecel... it just doesn't work. While your out there muttering some philosophical quotes to yourself and reading as many books as possible from the 'greats' you realize that even the philosophers you look up to had foid wives and didn't actually suffer as greatly as you did. Philosophy isn't going to protect you from being messed with by your normie co-workers. Philosophy will not help you in having a better life. Its just delaying the pain by telling yourself that 'everything is going to be ok' or some other forms of cope like 'life is meaningless therefore the pain I receive means nothing in this meaningless world.'

2. NoFap Pill

Sigh. The creator of NoFap literally looks like this. Image

So... if you haven't noticed. This is an incel who clearly had too much time on his hands. Literally.
Masturbation has zero effects on whatever 'aura' you have. Of course its the sexless lonely touch starved bluepilled types that get reeled like light to a moth to this mystic nonsense. They monetize this and create some non-scientific course that costs hundreds. Even worse there's 'accountability' partners where you message one another so you can remind each other to stop touching 'it.' Normies laugh at men who practice such things. There's countless videos online where normies brag about masturbating daily and they still pull foids and live life with ease.
NoFap makes it easy for unattractive men who are in denial about their inceldom to point their source of sexlessness and pain towards pornography and masturbation. Sure there's truth in that porno and masturbation can be cucked but its completely overblown when you have men sobbing and crying about ruining their 'streak.'

3. Neurotypical Pill

You can't pretend to be neurotypical. Neither can you practice being neurotypical. You are either born neurotypical or your not. If you don't have the looks and your non-nt then normies won't tolerate you. But if your decent looking and non-nt, maybe just maybe they will tolerate you slightly more. If you work or have to deal with normies and your non-neurotypical meaning your neurodivergent you probably thought about masking your autism/sperg traits. Its normal. But here's the thing. You can't change it. It is what it is.
Also some may say being non-nt may have hampered their lives making them an incel. Truth be told is that, that only happens in the most extreme cases. Hate to say this but you may be much uglier than you think. Even blackpilled incels are guilty of this, ignoring the most obvious reasons because we deep down find it hard to cope if we can't blame it on something such as in this case the NT Pill.

4. Looksmaxxing Pill
When a pug is born, you know that pug is going to have that smushed in face just like its mother. It doesn't matter if you feed the pug differently or you get it to exercise more, its going to have that face still when it grows older.
No amount of looksmaxxing is enough for an incel to get out of his genetic prison. Only plastic surgery which is counted as extreme works. Meaning an incel has little room for non-invasive methods to truly improve his life. Normies lose weight and go from being the laughing stock to chadlite. You can lose weight but you go from being made fun of for being fat to being made fun of for being boneless in your face.

5. Brotherhood Pill
Brotherhood doesn't exist. Its only having a common objective with other men when brotherhood can be emulated but not fully still. Brotherhood is one of the biggest lies that has been perpetuated for centuries. Understandable when we have no one but one another in our obscure blackpilled incel forums. But when foids are involved, men WILL throw one another under the bus. It will happen. It happened already on when they had their own groups outside of .is and they all fought for a crumb of pussy from possibly not even a foid but a man hiding behind a fake e-girl persona.
This is one of the hardest pills to accept because it makes you look at other men differently. Some of you may hold other men in high regards but I hate to pop that bubble but all it takes is a foid or perhaps even just some form of jealousy or a fleeting emotion for your brotherhood to turn sideaways.
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