Why incel culture needs to organize irl or risk perpetual irrelevance
Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 7:50 pm
• Every other group that claims to have experienced disenfranchisement, alienation or persecution from society at large has recourse to their own organizations which serve to advance their particularized agenda. The fags and LGBTQ ilk have Pride organizations and the ACLU, the niggers have the NAACP, BLM and the community support provided by gang life, whores have feminism and cucks and the jews have the ADL, the media, high finance, ZOG, Israel and the Democratic Party. None of these groups experiences the egregious ostracization and disconsolation which incels are routinely subjected to yet all of them have substantial power, influence and political capital which we are entirely lacking.
• If incels ever aspire to functionally realize our philosophical and ideological aspirations or to constructively advance our own agenda in a meaningful and appreciable way then it is going to necessitate coordinated collaboration between and amongst our brethren beyond the virtual confines of the space we presently inhabit. Any social or political movement, irrespective of whether it be radical or reactionary in nature, has only begun to strive towards the realization of its objectives once it has a tangible physical presence in society at large.
• A corollary to the preceding point is that by perpetuating a merely online cultural identify, we only serve to further exacerbate our problems in reality since normies and the scum who imbibe the Kool Aide of western popular culture can more readily demean our community precisely because it lacks the capacity to tangibly respond. All of those innumerable videos on YouTube and elsewhere featuring some meek, weak, emaciated incel receiving an unprovoked beating by some savage bestial nigger betray a hard axiomatic truth which is that the infrequency of incels responding with actual organized resistance is only an inducement for greater depredations to be inflicted at the brutish hands of foul negros and other such tormentors. They may be ignorant savages but they’re intuitive enough to assimilate a point as salient as this. If there exists a reservoir of militant incels who are ready, willing and able to be rapidly deployed in response to such atrocities, then we will begin to achieve something more akin to the fearsome reputation that fascist skinheads and White Power types have acquired for themselves. Nobody is going to fuck with the lonesome incel if they reasonably believe that his Brothers in Arms can be mobilized for a prompt retributive operation.
• It is imperative to understand that collective enterprise which is meticulously planned, highly organized and competently executed is always going to have a more profound impact then the sort of random lone-wolf type one-man operations which have become so representative of incel culture that they’ve become a cultural cliché. Consider the difference between the lone wolf type Islamic fundamentalists such as Omar Mateen who killed some fags in a Florida nightclub and the fiery Jihad of Allah’s righteous indignation which issued forth from the honorable acts of the Islamic Brothers who commandeered the blessed 757’s and 767’s and struck them against the heart of our depraved society in midtown Manhattan. People barely remember Omar Mateen and the cumulative destructive or disruptive impact caused by him and others like him is inestimably inferior to that caused by organized military style operations which involve well trained and disciplined comrades. While I’m not openly advocating for terrorism here, the taxonomy of Jihadists is instructive as it informs our own approach to fighting against a repressive society of gross promiscuity.
• By organizing irl, we can more effectively pool our collective intellectual, economic and functional resources for the betterment of the movement as a whole. Each of us has something to contribute to the collective enterprise and this can be more expediently achieved by actually organizing.
• Goethe said that theory is grey while the reality of life is green. Let’s stop pretending that theoretical discourse, no matter how enlightening or edifying it may be can help us resolve the very practical, visceral and real problems that we each experience.
• If incels ever aspire to functionally realize our philosophical and ideological aspirations or to constructively advance our own agenda in a meaningful and appreciable way then it is going to necessitate coordinated collaboration between and amongst our brethren beyond the virtual confines of the space we presently inhabit. Any social or political movement, irrespective of whether it be radical or reactionary in nature, has only begun to strive towards the realization of its objectives once it has a tangible physical presence in society at large.
• A corollary to the preceding point is that by perpetuating a merely online cultural identify, we only serve to further exacerbate our problems in reality since normies and the scum who imbibe the Kool Aide of western popular culture can more readily demean our community precisely because it lacks the capacity to tangibly respond. All of those innumerable videos on YouTube and elsewhere featuring some meek, weak, emaciated incel receiving an unprovoked beating by some savage bestial nigger betray a hard axiomatic truth which is that the infrequency of incels responding with actual organized resistance is only an inducement for greater depredations to be inflicted at the brutish hands of foul negros and other such tormentors. They may be ignorant savages but they’re intuitive enough to assimilate a point as salient as this. If there exists a reservoir of militant incels who are ready, willing and able to be rapidly deployed in response to such atrocities, then we will begin to achieve something more akin to the fearsome reputation that fascist skinheads and White Power types have acquired for themselves. Nobody is going to fuck with the lonesome incel if they reasonably believe that his Brothers in Arms can be mobilized for a prompt retributive operation.
• It is imperative to understand that collective enterprise which is meticulously planned, highly organized and competently executed is always going to have a more profound impact then the sort of random lone-wolf type one-man operations which have become so representative of incel culture that they’ve become a cultural cliché. Consider the difference between the lone wolf type Islamic fundamentalists such as Omar Mateen who killed some fags in a Florida nightclub and the fiery Jihad of Allah’s righteous indignation which issued forth from the honorable acts of the Islamic Brothers who commandeered the blessed 757’s and 767’s and struck them against the heart of our depraved society in midtown Manhattan. People barely remember Omar Mateen and the cumulative destructive or disruptive impact caused by him and others like him is inestimably inferior to that caused by organized military style operations which involve well trained and disciplined comrades. While I’m not openly advocating for terrorism here, the taxonomy of Jihadists is instructive as it informs our own approach to fighting against a repressive society of gross promiscuity.
• By organizing irl, we can more effectively pool our collective intellectual, economic and functional resources for the betterment of the movement as a whole. Each of us has something to contribute to the collective enterprise and this can be more expediently achieved by actually organizing.
• Goethe said that theory is grey while the reality of life is green. Let’s stop pretending that theoretical discourse, no matter how enlightening or edifying it may be can help us resolve the very practical, visceral and real problems that we each experience.