Chad's school dance (or prom, etc) vs. yours

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Chad enters the convention center and immediately grabs the attention of the foids already here. He exudes confidence, but he knows he'll probably get laid anyway so it's not hard for him.

He spikes the punch, which even if found out, is viewed as a "senior prank" so the teachers would just laugh it off. A foid gets tipsy, and he dances with her. She slow-dances with him, having had a crush on him for awhile. Everyone else stands back and forms a circle around them to watch.

After this, they both go off to a broom closet and FUCK. She sprains her ankle in the process. They all then go home. Chad takes another women home with him to FUCK until the sun comes back up.

Meanwhile, one of us also goes. Our rented tux looks and feels gayer than a rainbow unicorn. We dance mostly on our own, and occasionally a woman permits us to be nearby when doing so. Again we spike the punch. We get tipsy as well, go up to our one-itis, and try kissing her on the cheek. We miss and hit her nose instead.

Everything seems normal until the police show up. Turns out the dumb foid is pressing charges. And that spiked punch? The school district takes such violations very seriously.

Expelled for the rest of the year, and pleading guilty to two felonies (Aggravated sexual battery, spiking the punch). Eh well, trying new things and having confidence didn't really pan out this time.
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I remember some dude from another school was telling me how some chad got a lap dance by one of the female teachers, he was like 15/16 at the time btw.
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Oh fuck I had some teachers I would have wanted to fuck. And of course, I'll bet you my left nut he was bragging after that.
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Your scenarios are either the product of an incredibly vivid imagination or the result of anecdotal experiences and perhaps a confluence of both. I never had sufficient motivation or sufficiently low inhibition to even attempt to dance at any such social venue but would merely sit at a table as far removed from the epicenter of normie activity and brood as my mind filled with dark thoughts of retribution through the merciless enforcement of Holy Sharia on all those hedonistic degenerates. Inshallah.
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Darth_aurelius wrote: 13 Jun 2024, 13:51 Your scenarios are either the product of an incredibly vivid imagination or the result of anecdotal experiences and perhaps a confluence of both. I never had sufficient motivation or sufficiently low inhibition to even attempt to dance at any such social venue but would merely sit at a table as far removed from the epicenter of normie activity and brood as my mind filled with dark thoughts of retribution through the merciless enforcement of Holy Sharia on all those hedonistic degenerates. Inshallah.
Inshallah brother we shall sit on the high table like calculated warlords and bring justice.
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ohhhkevindebruyne wrote: 13 Jun 2024, 14:26
Darth_aurelius wrote: 13 Jun 2024, 13:51 Your scenarios are either the product of an incredibly vivid imagination or the result of anecdotal experiences and perhaps a confluence of both. I never had sufficient motivation or sufficiently low inhibition to even attempt to dance at any such social venue but would merely sit at a table as far removed from the epicenter of normie activity and brood as my mind filled with dark thoughts of retribution through the merciless enforcement of Holy Sharia on all those hedonistic degenerates. Inshallah.
Inshallah brother we shall sit on the high table like calculated warlords and bring justice.
Haha indeed my esteemed comrade. We will sit there like two Sith Lords and use our Machiavellian strategic brilliance to contemplate a magnificent plan for just and equitable retribution which shall be inflicted upon all those who have scorned, belittled or insulted us with their intolerable insolence. We shall bring the swift and merciless justice of Allah to them all. Inshallah.
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You know you're a truecel when you never went to a dance or prom your entire time in HS.
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I only went to one as a child where I at least had the joy of dressing as a vampire but I avoided any organised 'fun' (for some) like the plague in high school.
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Having acne and acne scars is like having the seal of the beast ngl, which it wouldn't matter if you were white, but to top it all, acne and brown skin.....
Mentally lost cel

I didn't went to the prom and the graduation

I was not an idiot
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You just know its game over when you have to be 'permitted' to be in the presence of a foid.
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