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:pepeRope Fucking hell why abiogenesis happened for christ sake. So tired of being a fapper but having way too low $ save to buy meds to curb the cancer. And as a current neet its so awful day after day while foids enjoy their life free from pain.

Why cant i just stop existing. WHY THE FUCK I CANT JUST LIE DOWN AND STOP EXISTING??

Its so sad that i lack the constitution for rope or rampagemaxx. Its cause of that i choose to drink my soda when i ask myself shall i drink the soda or go ER?

Last edited by Nihili_sum on 24 Oct 2024, 13:15, edited 1 time in total.
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born in wrong century
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decembrist_kirillov wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 12:43 born in wrong century
i feel this
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Nihili_sum wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 12:20 :pepeRope Fucking hell why abiogenesis happened for christ sake. So tired of being a fapper but having way too low $ save to buy meds to curb the cancer. And as a current neet its so awful day after day while foids enjoy their life free from pain.

Why cant i just stop existing. WHY THE FUCK I CANT JUST LIE DOWN AND STOP EXISTING??

Its so sad that i lack the constitution for rope or rampagemaxx. Its cause of that i choose to drink my soda when i ask myself shall i drink the soda or go ER?

there are many ways to cope brother... and you have us now.. we here to help and movtivate you to survive in the world full of normies and foids
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Tovarishcel wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 14:48
Nihili_sum wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 12:20 :pepeRope Fucking hell why abiogenesis happened for christ sake. So tired of being a fapper but having way too low $ save to buy meds to curb the cancer. And as a current neet its so awful day after day while foids enjoy their life free from pain.

Why cant i just stop existing. WHY THE FUCK I CANT JUST LIE DOWN AND STOP EXISTING??

Its so sad that i lack the constitution for rope or rampagemaxx. Its cause of that i choose to drink my soda when i ask myself shall i drink the soda or go ER?

there are many ways to cope brother... and you have us now.. we here to help and movtivate you to survive in the world full of normies and foids
ok mate in fact i know i just need money to by my freedom(absurd world yeah) since its the libido that makes me horny and not happy (its that cancer that makes us males fappers-betas and sub to hot females and unless one rich dude for start he cannot have a model or some seriously attractive slut as his sex toy, yeah evolution is cruel for us normies)
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Personally I dont agree with nofap but if you want to lower your libido you can try Jewpills, for many antidepressants seem to reduce libido.

SSRIs didnt do shit to me tho im still horny af and fap everyday and am not ashamed of it. Foids should be cheering for more porn and fap material because otherwise they will get raped
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PoodankMcGee wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 18:39 Personally I dont agree with nofap but if you want to lower your libido you can try Jewpills, for many antidepressants seem to reduce libido.

SSRIs didnt do shit to me tho im still horny af and fap everyday and am not ashamed of it. Foids should be cheering for more porn and fap material because otherwise they will get raped

SSRI are famous for yeah but in my country they are prescription required and it depends which one u took since not every one has the same effect on libido (and at the end of the day its genetics how would u respond to it...).

Fapping is a cope like religions dude. You lit shoot your load to pixels instead of spraying a model/some srs hot chick in the face or in her mouth or on her tits. Also its unproductive. And if u think abt it its cucked since u have a fantasy abt hot foid who does not even know that u exist for start. I would rather not waste my time thinking abt hot females i cant have (ergo they dont benefit me), i would prefer to do something productive and beneficial with my time and energy (thats why i work on to curb fully the libido, mix of supplements should do it so one day i may in future reach the calm mind when i get enough $$ also gymmaxx hopefully one day i bench 405 nd 300 pounds mass monster juice ftw) u can find which sups in the links

As for foids its how they control us. They promote that bluepill crap about how cucking yourself is heALtHy for ThE pRosTatE (when in fact original is ejaculations not self fuck and thing is if u look deeper not only there are studies that show that its just an assumption but that there is a one that show that being a masturbator is not good if u a soyjack who likes to shoot his load to pixels and ofc orgasm from fucking a sexy foid and from cucking yourself its different. Had a pleasure to have few experiences with elite hookers it was amazing and fun and awesome but expensive too -

https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/ ... ompletely/

https://www.urologyhealth.org/healthy-l ... ate-cancer


So they can sell OF and porn to us and make us degenerate masturbators. https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/forme ... 1-million/

Since they know that once folks like me (childfree antinatalists who value tranquility) reach low libido then we have no use of the sexy sluts and they have no way to control us (since all females use sex to control men one way or another)

Issue is that some failures reproduce (like the masturbator who made me he had 0 dignity and became a betabuxx with fat foid whom majority of her fat goes in her stomach and now i exist, suffer and then i just die but shit happens).

And last thing i would like to add is i think that fappers are hidden gae. They want to fap because fapping is good in their mind. Which as i said i think a lot of masturbators are just closeted guys. Like man you're gay, it's ok, be gay there is no hell and as long as u dont harm me its cool but that cope is beta anyway. And ironically a lot of fappers are religions (its crazy there are dudes wh o single yet believe in some god) and on other side are homophobes(which is odd) while doing a gae act.
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This is a high T trait if anything.
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simps are so pathetic that i can't find a word to describe it
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FaceandBBC wrote: 25 Oct 2024, 21:55 This is a high T trait if anything.
Reality is that test is the cancer. Test is what makes us males fappers (betas) and sub to hot females. So quit the copium that it is good to have high t when u single (unless u gay), like its not dude it sucks.

Working on it to lower it since its horrible being horny and as a fugly lanky guy with small d and no $$ i stand 0 chance to bed a model.

As a neet i have to safe $$ for my next combo (Curcuma + Magnesium heard the former can lower the test and latter can affect libido too hopefully this combo is the win) for my try to freedom since i am so fucking tired, its awful being alive and horny.
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Comrade I had the same problem of Porn . But using this method I could overcome it . You can try it
Now I am 7 day free and have no thought of porn . I can now watch a foid walk past me and feel nothing. I see foids as just a combination of bones skin and flesh .
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rever wrote: 24 Jan 2025, 22:13 Comrade I had the same problem of Porn . But using this method I could overcome it . You can try it
Now I am 7 day free and have no thought of porn . I can now watch a foid walk past me and feel nothing. I see foids as just a combination of bones skin and flesh .
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Nihili_sum wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 12:20 Why cant i just stop existing. WHY THE FUCK I CANT JUST LIE DOWN AND STOP EXISTING??
is is important to make something important and useful out of your life. To live and die with a purpose.
I dont have much time left to live so i want to make sure I go out with a real purpose
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