Why cant i just stop existing. WHY THE FUCK I CANT JUST LIE DOWN AND STOP EXISTING??
Its so sad that i lack the constitution for rope or rampagemaxx. Its cause of that i choose to drink my soda when i ask myself shall i drink the soda or go ER?
i feel this
there are many ways to cope brother... and you have us now.. we here to help and movtivate you to survive in the world full of normies and foidsNihili_sum wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 12:20Fucking hell why abiogenesis happened for christ sake. So tired of being a fapper but having way too low $ save to buy meds to curb the cancer. And as a current neet its so awful day after day while foids enjoy their life free from pain.
Why cant i just stop existing. WHY THE FUCK I CANT JUST LIE DOWN AND STOP EXISTING??
Its so sad that i lack the constitution for rope or rampagemaxx. Its cause of that i choose to drink my soda when i ask myself shall i drink the soda or go ER?
ok mate in fact i know i just need money to by my freedom(absurd world yeah) since its the libido that makes me horny and not happy (its that cancer that makes us males fappers-betas and sub to hot females and unless one rich dude for start he cannot have a model or some seriously attractive slut as his sex toy, yeah evolution is cruel for us normies)Tovarishcel wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 14:48there are many ways to cope brother... and you have us now.. we here to help and movtivate you to survive in the world full of normies and foidsNihili_sum wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 12:20Fucking hell why abiogenesis happened for christ sake. So tired of being a fapper but having way too low $ save to buy meds to curb the cancer. And as a current neet its so awful day after day while foids enjoy their life free from pain.
Why cant i just stop existing. WHY THE FUCK I CANT JUST LIE DOWN AND STOP EXISTING??
Its so sad that i lack the constitution for rope or rampagemaxx. Its cause of that i choose to drink my soda when i ask myself shall i drink the soda or go ER?
PoodankMcGee wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 18:39 Personally I dont agree with nofap but if you want to lower your libido you can try Jewpills, for many antidepressants seem to reduce libido.
SSRIs didnt do shit to me tho im still horny af and fap everyday and am not ashamed of it. Foids should be cheering for more porn and fap material because otherwise they will get raped
Reality is that test is the cancer. Test is what makes us males fappers (betas) and sub to hot females. So quit the copium that it is good to have high t when u single (unless u gay), like its not dude it sucks.
rever wrote: 24 Jan 2025, 22:13 Comrade I had the same problem of Porn . But using this method I could overcome it . You can try it
Now I am 7 day free and have no thought of porn . I can now watch a foid walk past me and feel nothing. I see foids as just a combination of bones skin and flesh .
is is important to make something important and useful out of your life. To live and die with a purpose.Nihili_sum wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 12:20 Why cant i just stop existing. WHY THE FUCK I CANT JUST LIE DOWN AND STOP EXISTING??
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