Men Should Train

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Veridion Spartan
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Men should gymMAX, intelligenceMax, combatMax, moneyMax, looksMax, and then use that to gain power. Then those who ascend should mog the women and not give them access to their value.

There is a near sexless/relationship less (I forget if he has had experience) guy who decided it was easier to own a sex doll than to deal with an actual woman. None the less, he tried his hand at a relationship with a chick and she actually got jealous of how he catered to the dolls needs and gave them so much attention. LMAO. Makes me think we should respect and cater to inanimate objects just to spite women.
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cant looksmaxx without any surgery
Veridion Spartan
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Tovarishcel wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 6:08 pm cant looksmaxx without any surgery
MoneyMax -> LooksMax

My idea is to use the fact that trans's (transs?, idk) got insurance coverage for a $75k COSMETIC surgery. I see it as only fair that we get insurance coverage for cosmetic surgery as well. It is a justified argument.
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Agreed, that being said, it's difficult to find motivation to do such things in a world where unattractive males are always abused, mocked and ostracized.
Hence why some brocels prefer to rot
Veridion Spartan
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TheRapist wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:04 pm Agreed, that being said, it's difficult to find motivation to do such things in a world where unattractive males are always abused, mocked and ostracized.
Hence why some brocels prefer to rot
Thank you for your input, comrade. You bring up an impactful point. The hardship on men in modern society weighs heavy, discourages progress and keeps them down as it supposed to. They (liberal forces and old people probably, whether it's intentional or not) want you to be docile and follow orders so the societal dynamics can stay as they are. They do this because it is easier for them to control. They want you to feel hopeless, they want you to have learned hopelessness. To address the issue you point out, we must empower men through pathos, logos, and ethos. We must intelligently send a message to them in a way that grabs their attention as well as ignites a spark within them. We need to support, motivate, encourage, and reward men to have hope and develop discipline to reach their goals. We need to give them a fighting chance.
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Everything is inaccessible as "exiles" like ourselves.

If your unattractive, everyone makes life unbearable.

It's not that we cannot do, it's more that it takes a great deal of courage and willpower to truly be strong in the face
of constant adversity.

Imagine building a sandcastle, but someone keeps kicking it over.
So you try to find elsewhere, a wave of water destroys it soon after.
You try it at home, your family steps on it.
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Veridion Spartan wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:24 pm

Thank you for your input, comrade. You bring up an impactful point. The hardship on men in modern society weighs heavy, discourages progress and keeps them down as it supposed to. They (liberal forces and old people probably, whether it's intentional or not) want you to be docile and follow orders so the societal dynamics can stay as they are. They do this because it is easier for them to control. They want you to feel hopeless, they want you to have learned hopelessness. To address the issue you point out, we must empower men through pathos, logos, and ethos. We must intelligently send a message to them in a way that grabs their attention as well as ignites a spark within them. We need to support, motivate, encourage, and reward men to have hope and develop discipline to reach their goals. We need to give them a fighting chance.
What's the point in motivating males when (if you are truly blackpilled) you are aware that no matter what they do or how much they struggle and make efforts, they will never succeed under a global matriarchy that only rewards the best of the best males in terms of looks and intelligence.
You want them to be happy for coping? How is that different from what jews are doing right now keeping the vast majority of males submissive, gullible and ready to consoom whatever slop they come with; and let me remind you: even hobbies like gym are slop that indirectly empower the gynocentrism
Veridion Spartan
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TheRapist wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:10 pm What's the point in motivating males when (if you are truly blackpilled) you are aware that no matter what they do or how much they struggle and make efforts, they will never succeed under a global matriarchy that only rewards the best of the best males in terms of looks and intelligence.
You want them to be happy for coping? How is that different from what jews are doing right now keeping the vast majority of males submissive, gullible and ready to consoom whatever slop they come with; and let me remind you: even hobbies like gym are slop that indirectly empower the gynocentrism
I don't know the black pill thoroughly enough to respond in terms of its ideology. However, I think a man should improve himself for himself and not necessarily for others. I believe that there are opportunities for men to improve their life in some regard whether it be financial, social, relationship/sexual, or inward (psychological). If one cannot improve in any of these regards (minus the psychological), after a thorough effort. Then I believe he deserves outside support because the cards he was dealt in life are far too unfair.

Where is he going to get this support that I mention? No one is going to help him unless there is a societal change. I believe that is what IBM is about, giving men a fair hand of cards, giving them advantage. Whether it be the men around today or future generations, I believe we must give them a fighting chance. We need to put in place and build structures that accommodate men. It is beneficial to the IBM to have men be capable.

I don't know what makes another man happy, however I can assume it has to do with financial health, social circles, relationships/sexual experiences, and his psychology. Some men are happy with just having a social circle, good for them. For others, they need more. While they can improve in financial, social, and sexual categories, it is definitely more difficult to form relationships. If you're looking at this in terms of forming a relationship, it is indeed improbable for the very unfortunate incel men. Though I have hope in looksmatching to help.

I disagree that gyms are cope. A man that strengthens himself (in all regards) becomes harder to control. We need men that are hard to control. How does this empower the gynocentrism?
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Veridion Spartan wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:10 pm

I disagree that gyms are cope. A man that strengthens himself (in all regards) becomes harder to control. We need men that are hard to control. How does this empower the gynocentrism?
Paying a gym membership is like wasting on overpriced graphic cards, you are feeding the jews, it's pointless and a monumental waste
Men should focus on strengthening themselves as long as they are motivated, if they are too depressed and it's their will to rot, let them be, but don't come with pull by your bootstraps platitudes parroted by the normie world
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need to train like real men of dawla, together we can make difference and get rid of the problems in society
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