What Syria teaches about incel revolution

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So if you've seen the news lately you've heard that the rebels in Syria under Hayʼat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has toppled the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad and seized effective control of about 2/3 of the country.

Perhaps you like/hate these Islamist, former al-Qaeda jihad bros in HTS. Or maybe youre an Assad simp. Idk idc that's not my point here exactly.

What I'm interested by is how quickly this happened over just a few days. The civil war was going on at different tempos for over a decade, since 2011. Years of stasis, and all of a sudden its seemingly over, or at least more closely resolved. A long battle, and then a sudden revolution.

Likewise we saw this in the American occupation of Afghanistan. Years of occupation, and sudden revolution.

I suspect our Incel Revolution may follow these lines as well. For decades low-status men will suffer indignity and sexlessness at the hands of foids and normies. But more and more men are becoming incel. The gender war is accelerating across the world, though most acutely in Korea. Less families are being formed and at some point governments are either gonna start raping women or cloning people to make more wageslaves and taxpayers.

Eventually the stress of the system will implode on itself. Hypergamy and gynocentrism are paper tigers. If men chose we could force women to submit to us as our maidservants. Women have no real power nor strength. They are weak mentally and physically. We must simply awaken our fellow men to our common interests and shared identity, and we could wage a revolution of our own.
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Agreed and I have always said that for me the historical analog that captures the essence of the power imbalance and asymmetry that exists between men and women in society today is that of the Germans and the jews in Weimar Germany.

While the jews seemed to superficially have control over the country by virtue of their being well entrenched in the international baking and high finance sectors, they possessed virtually no physical power or the means by which to effectuate their interests through force. Conversely, the Nazi Party was at least initially nearly destitute (until our Fuhrer was able to appease the industrialists in 1934), it did have legions of fanatically loyal, uniformed SA storm troopers who were ready, willing and able to use violence in furtherance of consummating their ideological and political aspirations.

So too is it the case with the masses of incel men in our society when juxtaposed against the women. While women occupy positions of prominence and influence, mostly in human resources and academia, they possess no actual physical power. Incel men however may be unemployed, bereft of any opportunities for advancement in life or even NEET, but they have both the fanaticism and resolve inspired by their virulent hatred for the women and jews who oppress them as well as the fiery zeal of revolutionary fervor which the IPF will imbue in them.

All they need do now is grasp their AK-47's, put on their IPF storm trooper uniforms and soldier forth into the streets to join the masses of their fellow disaffected brothers in IPF arms and the revolution will be consummated in a fortnight. Inshallah.
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no, what will happen is the west will keep importing immigrants from 3rd world countries until these countries rise up and rather keep their young men because they are needed in booming capitalism. at this point the west will lose workforce and go down financially, because their own young men have given up. when this happens the revolts might begin... (and we know from history, most of the time when a revolution started was because of financial crisis).
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