None of everybody in the world is ready but here is the ultimate trvthnuke cobsons

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However, both knowledge and awareness are equivocal. One's reality might be another's illusion. We all live inside our own fantasies
Itachi Uchina

He was right, if someone doesn't have an awareness of a fact or someone else's existence then the power of the actions subside, therefore knowledge and the control of media is most powerful tool. Even dying for something is meaningless if nobody knew that it has happened or that you died for that purpose, look at famous terrorists like the Unabomber or trump assassin, many of them appear on news but are mostly forgotten by the normies because they didn't get thaaat mainstream.

But in Russia every day they are reminded on the tv about urkaine or whatnot, some other fucking retarded, shit, whether its a lie or truth is irrelevant because for them the information is what exists. Ultimately, deduction is the sword that cuts information however people need to be mostly taught how to deduce as well, and can't do good on their own at it yet.


The point being what we need is Pain to understand the world. If dying for somebody will not fix their sins nor change them as people, the only way to actually change them is by following pain, if they experience your suffering or get punished, they will quickly learn the conditioning. I know this is dark stuff, I try to keep it short but I am kind of lazy, so basically sel,f-sacrifice is le bad. Jester Loki activities, are le masterpeice, the best way to express information is through pain.

The problem with sacrifice is that normies can't relate to death, in fact most normies do not relate to death ever, stoicism is real when they do not believe death is real. Once they actually experience how things can be lost FOREVER in their lifetime and NEVER RETURNED, they will go apeshit. I am sure my generation will learn that lesson, LOL. :pepeRage I feel sort of upset that stoicism isn't real force or doesn't feel that way, anyway, I am sure I would kick everybody's ass under more fair systems in society. Like if the irl was more like playing arcade game where you need to get high score or beat the most bosses, I think I'd win, probably and get myself FGO-level S S S harem. :pepeThinking I feel bad that strength doesn't matter, because now society is full of very complex competitive mechanics I simply can't choose.
:cringe3: Please, visitwww.chudpol.ruwhenever you can but it is currently under reconstruction. :omegalul:
Russian neet 300 IQ chess player. :erGIF:
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