How to overcome in-group bias

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So... something which often fucks up men's efforts to organize and take back power is women's 4.5 higher in group preference. Men have practically no in-group preference for their own gender.

But I found it interested, how muslims like taliban work. Because somehow, they managed to find a solution to this problem. It seems to me that men need some kind of ideology to stick together. Otherwise women will automatically take power due to higher in-group preference. Thoughts?
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Abolishing women's rights is the only solution. If they can't hold positions of power in society, their in-group bias doesn't mean much. But to get to that point there needs to be a mass awakening among young men. There are a few things that can be done to make this happen: 1.) Spread the Blackpill. Help average young men understand how sexual market dynamics work. 2.) Desexualize society. Our society is hypersexualized. Men are bombarded with sexuality everywhere they turn (scantily clad women, erotic TV shows and movies, romantic songs, etc.). This makes it harder for them to control their impulses and makes them weaker and more susceptible to manipulation. This needs to change if we want men to rebel. Sexuality must be removed from public spaces and popular culture.
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Supreme Misogynist wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 03:24 Abolishing women's rights is the only solution. If they can't hold positions of power in society, their in-group bias doesn't mean much. But to get to that point there needs to be a mass awakening among young men. There are a few things that can be done to make this happen: 1.) Spread the Blackpill. Help average young men understand how sexual market dynamics work. 2.) Desexualize society. Our society is hypersexualized. Men are bombarded with sexuality everywhere they turn (scantily clad women, erotic TV shows and movies, romantic songs, etc.). This makes it harder for them to control their impulses and makes them weaker and more susceptible to manipulation. This needs to change if we want men to rebel. Sexuality must be removed from public spaces and popular culture.
Society is not hypersexualized. You're feeding into feminist narative. It's just degenerated in thr sexuality aspect
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VH911 wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 05:03
Supreme Misogynist wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 03:24 Abolishing women's rights is the only solution. If they can't hold positions of power in society, their in-group bias doesn't mean much. But to get to that point there needs to be a mass awakening among young men. There are a few things that can be done to make this happen: 1.) Spread the Blackpill. Help average young men understand how sexual market dynamics work. 2.) Desexualize society. Our society is hypersexualized. Men are bombarded with sexuality everywhere they turn (scantily clad women, erotic TV shows and movies, romantic songs, etc.). This makes it harder for them to control their impulses and makes them weaker and more susceptible to manipulation. This needs to change if we want men to rebel. Sexuality must be removed from public spaces and popular culture.
Society is not hypersexualized. You're feeding into feminist narative. It's just degenerated in thr sexuality aspect
"Society is not hypersexualized."

How can you say that society is not hypersexualized when women are basically walking around naked and openly and proudly talk about their degenerate sex lives without being punished? These are clear signs of a hypersexulized society.

"You're feeding into feminist narative"

I don't support any feminist narrative. Feminists have no problem with a hypersexual society. On the contrary, they support it. They just don't want ugly men to be a part of that society. If society allowed it, feminists would mate with Chads in the streets like wild animals. The reason why they sometimes pretend to be puritans about sex is to condemn the sexual desires of Incel men. They have no problem with Chads using them as cum dumpsters. They are hypocrites.
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David wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 01:19 So... something which often fucks up men's efforts to organize and take back power is women's 4.5 higher in group preference. Men have practically no in-group preference for their own gender.

But I found it interested, how muslims like taliban work. Because somehow, they managed to find a solution to this problem. It seems to me that men need some kind of ideology to stick together. Otherwise women will automatically take power due to higher in-group preference. Thoughts?
Islamic faith on top of total gender segregation.

The faith keeps men together in brotherhood, to the extent that if someone greets you "Asalam o aleykum" you are required by Islamic law to reply to their greeting, it outlaws backbitng and introduces pro-social ideas such as "Husn al dhann" (assuming the best in people) and good treatment of guests.

Gender segregation ensures that women are not around. The very presence of a woman in the room changes the way men act. It's honestly liberating when you go to a third world country and there's no women around. No sexual urges, no foid antics, no blackpill nukes hitting you while there. It's like @Supreme Misogynist said, there's too much hypersexuality. A normal guy can hardly ignore women in the West, where they walk around almost naked like hanging pieces of meat.
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Interferon wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 06:18 Gender segregation ensures that women are not around. The very presence of a woman in the room changes the way men act. It's honestly liberating when you go to a third world country and there's no women around. No sexual urges, no foid antics, no blackpill nukes hitting you while there. It's like @Supreme Misogynist said, there's too much hypersexuality. A normal guy can hardly ignore women in the West, where they walk around almost naked like hanging pieces of meat.
It's so true man. Women use their sexuality to manipulate us to get what they want, no? They know how strong men's sexual impulses are. So freedom turns men into simps, no?
Interesting. I would love to visit Afghanistan one day to see how it is there. How it must feel? That women are not allowed to look me into the eyes? Must feel amazing.
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Supreme Misogynist wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 06:14
VH911 wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 05:03
Supreme Misogynist wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 03:24 Abolishing women's rights is the only solution. If they can't hold positions of power in society, their in-group bias doesn't mean much. But to get to that point there needs to be a mass awakening among young men. There are a few things that can be done to make this happen: 1.) Spread the Blackpill. Help average young men understand how sexual market dynamics work. 2.) Desexualize society. Our society is hypersexualized. Men are bombarded with sexuality everywhere they turn (scantily clad women, erotic TV shows and movies, romantic songs, etc.). This makes it harder for them to control their impulses and makes them weaker and more susceptible to manipulation. This needs to change if we want men to rebel. Sexuality must be removed from public spaces and popular culture.
Society is not hypersexualized. You're feeding into feminist narative. It's just degenerated in thr sexuality aspect
"Society is not hypersexualized."

How can you say that society is not hypersexualized when women are basically walking around naked and openly and proudly talk about their degenerate sex lives without being punished? These are clear signs of a hypersexulized society.

"You're feeding into feminist narative"

I don't support any feminist narrative. Feminists have no problem with a hypersexual society. On the contrary, they support it. They just don't want ugly men to be a part of that society. If society allowed it, feminists would mate with Chads in the streets like wild animals. The reason why they sometimes pretend to be puritans about sex is to condemn the sexual desires of Incel men. They have no problem with Chads using them as cum dumpsters. They are hypocrites.
feminists literally hate sexuality. don't confuse degeneracy with sexuality.
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VH911 wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 11:33
Supreme Misogynist wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 06:14
VH911 wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 05:03
Society is not hypersexualized. You're feeding into feminist narative. It's just degenerated in thr sexuality aspect
"Society is not hypersexualized."

How can you say that society is not hypersexualized when women are basically walking around naked and openly and proudly talk about their degenerate sex lives without being punished? These are clear signs of a hypersexulized society.

"You're feeding into feminist narative"

I don't support any feminist narrative. Feminists have no problem with a hypersexual society. On the contrary, they support it. They just don't want ugly men to be a part of that society. If society allowed it, feminists would mate with Chads in the streets like wild animals. The reason why they sometimes pretend to be puritans about sex is to condemn the sexual desires of Incel men. They have no problem with Chads using them as cum dumpsters. They are hypocrites.
feminists literally hate sexuality. don't confuse degeneracy with sexuality.
"Feminists literally hate sexuality."

On what planet do feminists hate sexuality? Overwhelming majority of feminists are sex-positive. The average feminist in the West has a double-digit bodycount. The only scenario where a feminist hates sexuality is when Incel men show sexual interest in women. That's why they try to fill movies, video games and anime with unattractive women at every opportunity they get. Because they know that Incel men use these things to cope with their loneliness and sexual frustration. They have no problem with the sexuality of Chads and women.

"Don't confuse degeneracy with sexuality."

What does this even supposed to mean?
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Supreme Misogynist wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 12:41
VH911 wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 11:33
Supreme Misogynist wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 06:14
"Society is not hypersexualized."

How can you say that society is not hypersexualized when women are basically walking around naked and openly and proudly talk about their degenerate sex lives without being punished? These are clear signs of a hypersexulized society.

"You're feeding into feminist narative"

I don't support any feminist narrative. Feminists have no problem with a hypersexual society. On the contrary, they support it. They just don't want ugly men to be a part of that society. If society allowed it, feminists would mate with Chads in the streets like wild animals. The reason why they sometimes pretend to be puritans about sex is to condemn the sexual desires of Incel men. They have no problem with Chads using them as cum dumpsters. They are hypocrites.
feminists literally hate sexuality. don't confuse degeneracy with sexuality.
"Feminists literally hate sexuality."

On what planet do feminists hate sexuality? Overwhelming majority of feminists are sex-positive. The average feminist in the West has a double-digit bodycount. The only scenario where a feminist hates sexuality is when Incel men show sexual interest in women. That's why they try to fill movies, video games and anime with unattractive women at every opportunity they get. Because they know that Incel men use these things to cope with their loneliness and sexual frustration. They have no problem with the sexuality of Chads and women.

"Don't confuse degeneracy with sexuality."

What does this even supposed to mean?
there is a reason why feminists believe in transideology.
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