Fuck Reddit.

Talk about anything pertaining to men's rights and the plight of disenfranchised men
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Fuck Reddit. That place is an anti-Russian, tranny-only, nigger worshipping incelicidal psyop. I can't wait for mujahideen operations to start against those faggots in the real world. May their physical servers get crushed under IPF tanks and get tossed in a volcano, along their fag admins who deserve a severe capital punishment much worse than the capital punishment dished out by ER.
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The wretched site is full of soyboy simps, degenerate foid whores, and asshole normies. And it censors and bans everything because it is full of censorious pussy cunts.

They talk all sarcastic but if an IPF squad encountered them irl thet would shit their parents.
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DOUGH wrote: Sat Nov 23, 2024 3:28 pm Fuck Reddit. That place is an anti-Russian, tranny-only, nigger worshipping incelicidal psyop. I can't wait for mujahideen operations to start against those faggots in the real world. May their physical servers get crushed under IPF tanks and get tossed in a volcano, along their fag admins who deserve a severe capital punishment much worse than the capital punishment dished out by ER.
Very well said comrade and you are quite right in your assertions regarding the need to bring forth the annihilating and purifying power of righteous Jihad against places such as reddit as it is a source of corruption, filth and utter degeneracy that represents the apotheosis of everything which is honorable in this world. Once the Glorious Incel Revolution has been properly consummated, the deplorable infidel scum responsible for reddit and other such places will be dragged into the streets, herded into cattle cars and shipped to large concentration camp facilities where they will be enslaved for the betterment of humanity and as punishment for their insufferable depredations.
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It's probably a democrat party funded AI shit post fueled propoganda website targeting young foids
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