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Im a 19 year old incel and I found a girl on a dating app she seemed to be super into me and I thought I was finally going to ascend this girl says to get an hour bus to her and we can just hang out together anyway while I was on the bus she called me saying wanted me to walk her friend to the train station (annoying but I thought I was getting pussy so didn’t care) that took like 20 mins then we met this weed dealer who is “like her brother” and he was there with us for like a whole hour and was being super condescending the whole time the girl was even mocking and he was agreeing he literally stayed with us for almost an hour I don’t know why I never left the whole time I was standing there pretty quietly because I’m an autist who doesn’t know how to respond to situations like this left after that she WANTED TO GO HOME and she was mocking me to randoms on the street she told an old lady at the bus stop that I’m her lost dog that follows her around and other weird humiliating shit I would have incel raged and probably raped this slut to death if she didn’t do all this in public or around people;(( why are women like this? I haven’t spoke to a woman since I think about this day a lot

Sorry if this is poorly typed out I’m high as balls since this event I have gone on a long drug binge
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you should have told her that this is not ok and then incel-raged if she didnt listen.
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Snapple wrote: 09 Nov 2024, 05:50 Im a 19 year old incel and I found a girl on a dating app she seemed to be super into me and I thought I was finally going to ascend this girl says to get an hour bus to her and we can just hang out together anyway while I was on the bus she called me saying wanted me to walk her friend to the train station (annoying but I thought I was getting pussy so didn’t care) that took like 20 mins then we met this weed dealer who is “like her brother” and he was there with us for like a whole hour and was being super condescending the whole time the girl was even mocking and he was agreeing he literally stayed with us for almost an hour I don’t know why I never left the whole time I was standing there pretty quietly because I’m an autist who doesn’t know how to respond to situations like this left after that she WANTED TO GO HOME and she was mocking me to randoms on the street she told an old lady at the bus stop that I’m her lost dog that follows her around and other weird humiliating shit I would have incel raged and probably raped this slut to death if she didn’t do all this in public or around people;(( why are women like this? I haven’t spoke to a woman since I think about this day a lot

Sorry if this is poorly typed out I’m high as balls since this event I have gone on a long drug binge
I can easily relate to your experiences comrade, as I too am on the autism spectrum and have always found it impossible to engage interpersonally with women in a manner that resonates positively with their expectations and inscrutable feminine sensibilities. I could never understand how or why so many hot foids were so enamored with the sort of crude, ignorant, savage brutes that they always throw themselves upon and it took me many years to assimilate the unfortunate but inescapable and axiomatic truth that all women are dumb whores and have been conditioned by degenerate western culture to lust for the least deserving men.

Conversely, men such as you and I as well as all other comrades in the mighty IPF, who possess great intellectual prowess, personal fortitude, a sense of chivalric honor and who have the courage of our incel revolutionary convictions are relegated to a life of mockery, derision and suffering. This is why we created the Incel Movement, so as to provide all of our brothers with the solidarity, fraternity and camaraderie that they need and deserve. Incel Power my comrade and Heil Roger!
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
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VH911 wrote: 09 Nov 2024, 06:43 you should have told her that this is not ok and then incel-raged if she didnt listen.
Incel rage is like the dark side of the force and, in the words of Master Sidious, it gives you focus and makes you stronger. Incel Power und Sieg Heil!
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
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Why do u even go with foid ?
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