I want foids to be slaughterd (in Gta 5)

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I hate them with a burning passion.I want each and every single one of them to be hunted into extinction.Lined up and :ERPEPE .I want revenge for all the rejections I have faced.WE MUST REVOLT AND HANG THE ROASTIES (in video game).Brothers take action and be as evil as you can to foids in real life.
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Activity Award Medal

i already stopped accepting 'nos'. :brainBig: :peperaining
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Location: Führerbunker

IPF Service Award

Activity Award Medal

The IPF's long term strategic plan, as has been envisioned and thoroughly elucidated in my own novel that I have written and posted here in the forums, provides for the construction of large concentration camp facilities where foids who fail to embrace the precepts of Holy Sharia and convert to Islam shall be subjected to slave labor. Islamic piety will be demonstrated by a foids mastery of the Hadith's, the Quran, the Biography of the Prophet, Peace be upon Him and their devotion to their husbands as good servile domestics. Insufficient Islamic piety will result in severe and merciless punishment, up to an including beheading in accordance with the laws of Allah. Inshallah.
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
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