I new something was wrong when I graduated HS a virgin

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:pepeRope Before ER, before I even knew what the blackpill or being an incel was about, I knew something was wrong finishing HS as a virgin. High school is a time where most people experience their first relationship (if not earlier) and experience sex for the first time. Most people have sex on their prom night and I didn't even attend my prom. Of course like most other parents mine shoved the blue pill bullshit down my throat saying I'd meet someone when the time was right. Even at my first job my coworkers would make jokes about me still being a virgin yet get mad when I expressed resentment for women saying that I needed to work on myself and that mindset is what's wrong with me in the first place. The truth is foids ruined my life by ostricizing me in high school.
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high school never ends

it makes you or breaks you
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General Alek wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 1:23 am same

high school never ends

it makes you or breaks you
If you didn't ascend in high school it's an uphill battle, the odds are truelly stacked against you.
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Highschool is always the start of the nightmare as an incel. Puberty changes everything, hormones are raging, and you are in constant contact with the opposite sex. If you graduate highschool as a virgin it is a guaranteed sign that something is amiss. College/uni becomes your last shot but not all of us go down this path so what options do men like us have left?

Dating apps? Impossible. The workplace? Enjoy getting accused of harassment and fired. This rotten society has made it excruciatingly difficult to find a partner and yet all the blame is placed on us for not being good enough.
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idk how to get a relationship started
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Jrenn35 wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 1:11 am :pepeRope Before ER, before I even knew what the blackpill or being an incel was about, I knew something was wrong finishing HS as a virgin. High school is a time where most people experience their first relationship (if not earlier) and experience sex for the first time. Most people have sex on their prom night and I didn't even attend my prom. Of course like most other parents mine shoved the blue pill bullshit down my throat saying I'd meet someone when the time was right. Even at my first job my coworkers would make jokes about me still being a virgin yet get mad when I expressed resentment for women saying that I needed to work on myself and that mindset is what's wrong with me in the first place. The truth is foids ruined my life by ostricizing me in high school.
i was not even allowed to go to graduation :( :oxygen: :oxygen: :oxygen: :oxygen:
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I knew something was wrong when i developed severe Crohn's disease at 15 and had to have surgery to remove my large intestine and now i have to shit in a colostomy bag the rest of my life and wageslave while low iq degenerate retards got to indulge in all the pleasures of youth and sex.

Over for me before it even began. While I'm forced to continue rotting in this world I will make normies suffer for it.
Your body, my choice :ssFrog:
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PoodankMcGee wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 2:52 pm I knew something was wrong when i developed severe Crohn's disease at 15 and had to have surgery to remove my large intestine and now i have to shit in a colostomy bag the rest of my life and wageslave while low iq degenerate retards got to indulge in all the pleasures of youth and sex.

Over for me before it even began. While I'm forced to continue rotting in this world I will make normies suffer for it.
It's always the lowest IQ that engage in sexual activity most often. For example some mid tier becky at my old job was dating and had a kid by some low IQ nigger with a sizeable criminal record. The nigger is facially ugly af but 6'4. God i hate foids.
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