13 Reasons Why Women Deserve Rape

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1. It is Allah's will, as our duty to procreate and multiply, and to spread the adherence of Islam far and wide. There are too many stubborn whores who won't breed, or worse, are converts to lesbianism who refuse to fulfil their sexual duty to man. In such cases the rape fulfills the will of Allah and imbibes the harlot's womb with the purity of His spirit.

2. After experiencing rape, women can be motivated to become more chaste and modest in their clothing, as they become more aware of the consequences of their vanity and sensuality. This improves the chasteness of both man and woman, facilitating harmonious social dynamics and greater piety towards the Islamic faith. In this sense rape is the greatest gift a woman can receive as it keeps her straightforward in her obedience toward Allah and her quest to Jannah.

3. Rape produces pleasure to the woman. Both through physical orgasm and through fulfillment of her fantasy. As most women fantasize and desire rape. Therefore as any good moralist we should follow the Golden Rule and treat one how they would like to be treated. This furthermore demonstrates that rape is not a negative to the woman but a pleasant and fulfilling experience. This makes rape a win-win situation, especially considering the other benefits mentioned here.

4. Rape humbles the foid—it compels her to realize that she is weak and helpless in comparison to man. It teaches her to respect and fear man as her superior, as he in turn fears and respects Allah. Too many western whores have become arrogant and entitled, using the sensuality of their bodies to exploit and entice men. Corrective action can restore them to more submissive and humble behavior. This in turn leads them to becoming better wives and mothers.

5. More frequent rape would help reverse climate change. If rape were truly as widespread as feminists claim, women would travel outside the home far less often unattended, as they would fear rape. Women produce a massive amount of fossil fuel emissions through their automotive travel. Rape would therefore reduce female travel and help mitigate climate change, benefiting the entire planet.

6. Rape improves economic conditions by increasing fertility and the number of people available for labor. More people are needed to support aging populations and to continue to sustain the world economy. Mass rape might therefore be considered an economic stimulator that aids in sustaining the nation even if women are too stuck up to reproduce themselves.

7. Again in connection with birth rates, greater fertility is necessary for matters of national security and military recruitment. Rape is a national security necessity as militaries are struggling to recruit youth in the numbers necessary to safeguard our future defense. Patriotic women ought to be eager to present their wombs to incels to breed future soldiers and to motivate our present ones all the more in defending their Nation.

8. Rape can also be a boon to one's personal defense as well. Realizing how weak and helpless one is might motivate a whore to develop a modicum of situational awareness—instead of staring at her phone non-stop like a bimbo or taking TikToks of herself dancing around in the street. By impressing upon them the necessity of situational and spatial awareness, rape improves women's abilities at tasks requiring similar skills, such as driving and athletics.

9. Sexual education is deeply lacking in our public school system. Rape can help fill the gap, so to speak. A budding girl can learn more from a good struggle session than any textbook or lecture. Through educational rape she becomes familiar with the functions and sensations of her sexuality, making her a better lover for future husbands.

10. Many women can make a career off a rape, facilitating women's inclusion in business, science, technology, and other high-earning fields. Some examples include the actresses who got raped by Weinstein and the foid whores who massaged Epstein. Aside from the immediate financial benefits, it is also a good sob story to use in one's public persona and create opportunities for oneself.

11. Rape improves one's relationships. It makes a woman appreciate and have gratitude for the power of the men in her life. Too many women disrespect modern men because women see them as weak and beta. Rape invigorates a relationship by demonstrating masculinity and domination on the foid.

12. It brings pleasure to man, whose pleasure is more important than that of women.

13. It makes cucks, soyboys, and trannies seethe.
Your body, my choice :ssFrog:
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General Alek
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Oh, McGee!

they are gonna have a field day with this one
Autism is God
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