It is known that the Blackpill is becoming mainstream via Tiktok and other popular media platforms. Normies are using Blackpill slangs. It happened all so fast. What once was an obscure community of men is now invaded by normies. There's an endless stream of men pretending to be incels or thinking themselves as one due to an edgy 'phase' who wound up admitting eventually to being men who have girlfriends and lead a totally normal normie lifestyle. To identify the problem, one needs to understand what types of men to look out for.
The normies come in all shapes and sizes as the wolves they are:
1. Incels In denial.
The incel in denial is technically an incel. This is majority of men. They often are Low Tier Normie (LTN). They heavily rely on earning a six figure income from years of studying in school to attract a foid in his life. Hence, why so many cases of incels in denial who do end up marrying a gold digger who uses him as an ATM machine cheats him of his money with child support and divorce cases. Incels in denial are one of the largest threats to incel communities. They took a path of being Bluepilled but yet they have repressed anger issues. In fact, most men who go berserk in this world are men like these. What can you expect from a man who doesn't even know himself and believes in the gaslighting from the world and denies the truth of lookism?
Incels in denial pride themselves in being ignorant of reality. Truth be told is that in some ways its better to live blissfully in ignorance.
They are consumers and the target audience for redpill communities. And the PUA communities (Pick Up Artist) prey on men like these for money.
When a man has hope in what is false he can easily be lead anywhere because he doesn't know what is and what isn't.
Chances of incel in denial type infiltrating into incel communities? Low-Medium. They are in denial and are usually on incel tears. They are unable to come to terms with reality of looks mattering. It brings them anger and disgust seeing incel communities. Its unlikely they would infiltrate perhaps aside from just trying to mess around and stir conflict.
2. Failed Normies
Controversial take but most mass shooters who are associated with being incels were men who couldn't take the Blackpill after attempting to fit in with normies. Elliot Rodger was a hardcore narcy narcissist mentalcel. Quite the contrary he didn't make peace with the Blackpill. However its due to him committing the 'day of retribution' that incels see him as a symbol of revenge.
The columbine mass school shooters. They went to prom. They had friends. Yes they were picked on but they were far from the worse cases of bullying victims. Say, does this look like an incel? Would a foid ever do this with an incel?
This is not an incel. Dylan Klebold was tall to make up for his unattractive face. Eric Harris is better looking and easily could've done better with normies if he didn't associate with Dylan and ruining his social reputation, he already had more SMV( sexual market value). Both men are failed normies. They were in some ways living life as normies but yet they saw themselves as victims of society. Isn't that hilarious.
Sounds familiar? This is many of the fakecels streaming into incel communities. They make self-pity posts of themselves only to then reveal that they were living a normie life. The failed normie is a self-pitying man who is unable to appreciate what he has.
Its the classic case of being unable to take the Blackpill. Like Elliot mentioned in his manifesto that he didn't understand why he was so close yet so far from fitting in. He was invited to parties. He wasn't bad looking. In his mind he deserved better. Most of these 'incel' shooters are just men who took the Blackpill late in their lives and felt frustrated from being unable to truly align themselves within the normie communities fully due to being slightly different enough.
A true incel/truecel doesn't even get a chance to at least be a failed normie since that's impossible, so they never quite feel that same frustration. Failed normies will never be incels. Not as many men are failed normies. But they exist.
Chances of failed normies infiltrating incel communities? High. Most of the cases of fakecels joining and then claiming to ascend are failed normies. Failed normies have a way of picking themselves up. Afterall they are normies still just not a true normie. These are dangerous. They are very deep within the incel communities and weirdly enough convinced themselves they are incels. Its like a fully abled man telling himself he's handicapped? How odd. These men who invade the communities to stir conflict and create cliques are seriously damaging the incel communities. Worse of all, they are found in positions of power in moderation teams. Sadly, there will never be an incel community that doesn't have pathetic failed normie men like these. It is what it is.
3. Incels Themselves
This is a different take. Often the enemies are pointed at the above. But in some cases, the sinister enemy that needs to be examined carefully is the incels within the communities. When the bitterness and anger gets to an incel, he lashes out. Hence, why most incel communities are rife with inner conflicts. Gatekeeping and peer pressuring is a common tactic to feel in power and control from the lack of it in real life.
In fact many members here due to being pushed out by not failed normies or incels in denial in the communities but by incels. Nothing is more frustrating than having to deal with those who are alike who refuse to cooperate in peace.
Afterall, most incels are mentally tormented so as a form of projection they make others suffer as they are even if they are they're 'brocels.'
Sad truth is that only so much can be done about this. As new cliques form as a way to gatekeep others from joining and to make incels who perhaps aren't as good as socially networking on incel communities feel a sense of being stranded and left behind, this will continue because humans are naturally cruel.
When a man has nothing but hate, he will even bite the hand that feeds him. How sad. Incels who avoid this route and try to remain conducting themselves in peace deserve to be praised for not stooping so low.
Chances of incels worsening their forums? High. Take a look at what happens within the incel forums. It happens all the time.
Wolves In Sheep Clothing
- Raider919
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I feel seriously sorry for working class people who are struggling with this shit rn. I bet most people on this site are either full time collge boys or neets. I have been trying to socialize and hopefully get irl friends that aren't shit like my last friends from highschool. All they cared about was pc woke brainwashing shit. They think they're gonna rock the system as the regurgitate propoganda because they can;t fucking think. If most people would take 30 mins out of their day to sit down, shut up and think, a lot of this mainstream shit would die. Nobody thinks. The normies just fuck with people and them they're great big victims when they face consequences. It's the liberalist victim mindset. I gotta put that in my resistance booklet. A lot of stuff like dnd and dating is ran by simp suckling pc woke alphabet soup normies and normie licking degenerate simps. i salute all of you who resist this crap. we can do this, so let's pray aurelius keeps this going
- General Alek
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did you get my latest message?Raider919 wrote: 27 Aug 2024, 05:19 I feel seriously sorry for working class people who are struggling with this shit rn. I bet most people on this site are either full time collge boys or neets. I have been trying to socialize and hopefully get irl friends that aren't shit like my last friends from highschool. All they cared about was pc woke brainwashing shit. They think they're gonna rock the system as the regurgitate propoganda because they can;t fucking think. If most people would take 30 mins out of their day to sit down, shut up and think, a lot of this mainstream shit would die. Nobody thinks. The normies just fuck with people and them they're great big victims when they face consequences. It's the liberalist victim mindset. I gotta put that in my resistance booklet. A lot of stuff like dnd and dating is ran by simp suckling pc woke alphabet soup normies and normie licking degenerate simps. i salute all of you who resist this crap. we can do this, so let's pray aurelius keeps this going
Autism is God
- Angel
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I disapprove of this thread for disrespecting hERoes and scandalously defaming them as 'wolves in sheep's clothing'
People who literally went on shooting sprees and died weren't doing it to deceive you. They were doing it due to their own personal convictions. Their actions have inspired many others to great deeds.
We should respect the hERoes for their contributions to human history, and not demean ourselves by slandering them in this way.
People who literally went on shooting sprees and died weren't doing it to deceive you. They were doing it due to their own personal convictions. Their actions have inspired many others to great deeds.
We should respect the hERoes for their contributions to human history, and not demean ourselves by slandering them in this way.
All hail Satan
- Angel
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Criticizing great incels like St. Elliot for not being 'blackpilled' is crass, especially when the blackpill hardly existed in any formal sense during his time. St. Elliot's pride and sense of purpose was inspiring and instrumental to the creation of the inceldom, in contrast to the pathetic self-loathing and whining that passes for the 'blackpill' in most modern incel communities.
I believe that criticizing great men like Elliot Rodger is a gateway drug to insubordination within our own ranks, as people who believe that St. Elliot wasn't a 'real incel' would probably also whine that our great leader Darth Aurelius isn't a 'real incel.' People should not bitch about great, intelligent incel men like Elliot Rodger.
I believe that criticizing great men like Elliot Rodger is a gateway drug to insubordination within our own ranks, as people who believe that St. Elliot wasn't a 'real incel' would probably also whine that our great leader Darth Aurelius isn't a 'real incel.' People should not bitch about great, intelligent incel men like Elliot Rodger.
All hail Satan
- Supreme Misogynist
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"It is known that the Blackpill is becoming mainstream via Tiktok and other popular media platforms. Normies are using Blackpill slangs. It happened all so fast. What once was an obscure community of men is now invaded by normies. There's an endless stream of men pretending to be incels or thinking themselves as one due to an edgy 'phase' who wound up admitting eventually to being men who have girlfriends and lead a totally normal normie lifestyle. To identify the problem, one needs to understand what types of men to look out for."
The key is not to let normies redefine the meaning of blackpill terms like they did with the redpill. Lose your language, lose your world.
The key is not to let normies redefine the meaning of blackpill terms like they did with the redpill. Lose your language, lose your world.
Professional Clitoris Circumciser
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