For those who have been following my earlier work on this forthcoming incel-themed novel, I am extremely pleased to be able to present to you Chapter 2 of my book. If you haven't done so already, please read Chapter 1 which can be found here: viewtopic.php?t=468
A Bold New World
Chapter 2
The sky was a steel gray color and the rain was coming down as Jack drove along the Alek Minassian Memorial Expressway west out of the urban precincts of the city of Rodgerston. The traffic was moving along very nicely and Jack reflected to himself upon the considerable discrepancy between how chaotic, slow and dangerous driving on public roadways had been before the Great Incel Revolution and the ease with which vehicular traffic could now be undertaken no matter where the destination.
One of the first official acts of the new regime upon the establishment of the Patriarchal Peoples Republic of America (PPRA) was the revocation of driver’s licenses for all females. This had both the consequence of considerably alleviating congestion by reducing the volume of cars on the road by approximately half and likewise ensured that the very worst, slowest, most oblivious and distracted drivers were now forever relegated to having to walk to ride bicycles to wherever they had to go. This seemed to Jack to be both prudent and fair since female drivers had always been notorious for their inability to competently and safely navigate their vehicles and were routinely driving well under the posted speed limit due to their constitutional timidity and incomprehension of the techniques involved in operating a motor vehicle.
The PPRA had likewise instituted a new hierarchical system of issuing drivers licenses so that all IPF and governmental personnel were given the privilege of driving in a specially designated lane reserved for them which had no posted speed limit while those male citizens who passed a rigorous enhanced drivers examination were allowed to drive at any speed they wanted, as they had unequivocally demonstrated their superior reflexes, hand-eye coordination and situational awareness. All of this led to a travel experience that was both pleasant and invigorating.
As Jack pressed hard on the accelerator of his security service sedan and topped it out at a blistering 149 MPH, he looked out his window at the many large factories and manufacturing facilities that comprised the outer districts of the capital city. It was within this industrial milieu that tens of thousands of civilians, both male and female alike, toiled in arduous conditions producing heavy armaments, ammunition, armored vehicles and all other manner of assorted military merchandise both as much for export as well as for use by the IPF’s Armed Forces.
The PPRA had consummated diplomatic trade treaties with other reactionary states which were committed to preserving the ancient and natural dichotomy between men and women and as such, benefitted from a mutual defense treaty with the Russian Federation, a formal alliance with the Islamic Republic of Iran and trade relations with Afghanistan, Chechnya and North Korea. The leaders of all these states would meet annually for a splendidly luxurious conference which was always held at medieval castle located in the Carpathian Mountains where they would imbibe the finest libations of French Cognac and black caviar from the Caspian Sea as they formulated plans to continue to ensure the supremacy of men and the continuation of their rightful place of prominence, privilege and superiority to women.
A mere fifteen minutes after having departed the government district in the center of the great capital, Jack was already exiting the freeway and rapidly decelerating as he entered in to a residential area which had formerly been in the outskirts of what was once called Ann Arbor and now given the more fitting and honorable name of Hermann Goering City. Despite its almost bucolic appearance with shady, tree lined streets, large spacious homes surrounded by equally large yards and a bit of a quaint ambiance, this was once a center of debauchery and degeneracy the likes of which would have made Sodom and Gomorrah look like paragons of Quaker piety. But the student rabble and their progressively minded enablers in the general population that once infested this place had all long since been properly and definitively dealt with in the Great Cleansing. Only those who were fit for hard physical labor in the industrial sectors were allowed to live. All others were arraigned on charges of corrupting the public morality, acts of gross lewdness, embracing a hedonistic life of degeneracy and offending against the laws of Allah; the punishment for such unpardonable acts was a righteous sentence of death.
Jack turned down one of the well-lit streets in this beatific suburban enclave and past a row of hundred-year-old maple trees whose leaves had turned all manner of brilliant shades of red, yellow and orange. After driving past eight houses, Jack reached the end of the street where his own home was situated on a quiet and private cul-de-sac. The house was built in the colonial style and had four bedrooms and three bathrooms as well as a luxurious basement which was home to both a large-scale in-home theater with projector and movie screen as well as Jack’s personal gaming room which housed his extreme high-spec PC that could run any game ever released with ease.
The home had formerly belonged to some troon loving faggot who had taught gender studies at the University of Michigan but after the Great Incel Revolution and the creation of the PPRA all property formerly belonging to Degenerate Persons (DP’s) was confiscated by the state and redistributed on the basis of both the seniority and rank of the individual receiving such largesse’s as well as the severity of his cumulative suffering by way of sustained sexual depravation. A calculus was devised by the rulers of the PPRA whereby those men who had endured inceldom for a prolonged and continuous period of time were granted fine homes along with correspondingly luxurious automobiles. They were likewise afforded the opportunity to join the IPF Security Service (SS) as compensation for having had to live such an immiserating and dejected existence. This policy also served as a reward for their not having committed mass murder in retribution and vengeance for their suffering.
Since Jack had endured nearly 30 years of incel status upon the coming to fruition of the Great Incel Revolution and since he also held officer rank in the elite SS of the IPF, the PPRA had adjudged him to be deserving of a 4,000 square foot home built within the last five years and having a large, two-acre yard which itself was distinguished by the many beautiful oak and maple trees that adorned the lot.
Jack stepped out of his black SS unmarked sedan and removed his bright red beret and his long black leather trench coat before he unlocked the backdoor which led in to a large open foyer that combined elements of modern and classical architecture and always reminded Jack of the homes which had once belonged to British officers before the American Revolution.
“Sally I’m home!” shouted Jack with a discernable measure of satisfaction in his voice.
The door to the kitchen opened up and a petite, svelte, very pretty woman in her early 30’s with long brown hair appeared wearing a traditional full-length dress with an apron worn over it.
“Oh, my sweet dear Jack! It is so wonderful having you back home this evening! I made you your favorite dinner and made sure to cook the chicken shawarma just right as I know how you love to savor all the succulent flavors it offers.”
A large smile came across Jack’s face as he beheld his state issued wife and marveled at how lovely she did appear to him in that moment.
Sally had once been a student enrolled at the former University of Michigan just a few miles from the very home where Jack now lived. The IPF’s reconditioning and reeducation programs had successfully disabused her of her once licentious sensibilities and she was inspired to repudiate the degenerate atheism that she previously subscribed to and instead embrace the precepts and teachings of Islam. Sally had even achieved Hafiz by memorizing the entire Quran in an unusually impressive display of Islamic fidelity and personal piety. After a full 24 months in the reeducation facility and after her successful graduation from the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Madrasa in Rodgerston, Sally was given a careful and scrupulous evaluation by the authorities in the redistribution program and assigned a numerical value on a decile scale which reflected her combined physical, aesthetic and sexual rating.
The PPRA was committed to not merely ameliorating the grievous and unspeakable inequities of past generations whereby individual Alpha type males with tremendous physical strength and excellent aesthetic comportment (also known as “Chads”) would unilaterally dominate the mating and dating process, but it also ensured that each man in the IPF was assigned a woman who was commensurate to him aesthetically. This was the process known as compulsory looksmatching and was assiduously enforced and scrupulously adhered to in the interests of equity, justice and fundamental fairness. Special consideration was given to rank and status in the IPF of course, so that naturally, the highest-ranking ministers and generals would be assigned the most ravishing women irrespective of their own physical or aesthetic qualities but for all others, an objective analytical calculus was applied to ascertain and identify a woman who was commensurate to their own cumulative status.
Since Jack had graduated law school at the top of his class from an elite academic institution, was physically fit, tall and considered by most of his fellow SS officers as at least a higher tier normie in his face, he was assigned Sally who was herself a very pretty woman with a fit, athletic physique which was complimentary to Jack’s own body morphology. This was fair, equitable and perfectly just and obviated the sort of frivolous considerations which had previously been used by women as their own personal selection criteria and which typically emphasized penis girth and length, the ability to tell jokes, crude, brutish and almost animal-like behavior and other marks of personal degeneracy. Unlike such crass barbarians, who would have previously enjoyed the pleasures of a brown-haired beauty like Sally, Jack was a man who personified the four chief virtues once adumbrated by the great stoical philosopher and Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, those of wisdom, justice, temperance and fortitude. He was likewise a devout and pious Muslim, a veteran soldier of the IPF who had won many decorations including a Knights Cross for gallantry in battle and, most importantly, a lifelong incel man who deserved vindication of his immeasurable sufferings.
On the basis of truly objective factual considerations and as a consequence of a mostly ai driven aesthetic and morphological analysis, Jack was assigned a “7.5” out of a possible ideal rating of 10, although his score was increased by half a point for his Islamic piety and another half point in compensation for a life of dejected inceldom prior to the Great Revolution, thereby resulting in a final looksmatch quotient, or “LQ” of “8.5”. Thus, Jack was entitled by the ancient customs of manhood, to a female companion who herself was of stunning physical beauty and would easily mog, or put to shame, approximately 90-95%% of other women.
Since Sally did not have an education which imbued her with the sorts of intellectual, creative or technical skills which would have enabled her to provide some viable social or economic utility function to the PPRA (she stupidly majored in performing arts, as did many of her fellow dumb foids prior to the Great Revolution), she was downgraded by a full point. Likewise, another half point was deducted in recognition of her having formerly lived a life of frivolity, degeneracy and sexual debauchery prior to her conversion to Islam. This meant that while Jack was technically only a “7.5”, on the basis of objective assessment metrics and Sally would have been considered a “9.5”, merely as a consequence of her ravishing and uniquely beautiful looks, the looksmatch program effectuated a proper balancing of the interests. The result of this fair and entirely dispassionate adjudication ensured that proper justice was done both to the interests of the man, who deserved a physically beautiful woman as his Islamic wife and to those of the woman, who ought to have a husband who was courageous, mighty and ready to enthusiastically embrace Shaheed and the path to martyrdom, should the righteous call of Jihad ring forth from the minaret.
In the dark times of female licentiousness and the arbitrary rule of foids in the dating and mating market, Sally would have been able to select from amongst the most physically robust, steroid-maxxed, NCAA Division I Football-playing Chads with chiseled jawbones, great blonde manes of lion-like hair and large, girthy penises who would have pandered to her every whim and debased themselves in competition for her. In those squalid and immiserating years, a man such as Jack, despite his brilliant mind, extraordinary educational qualifications, personal courage, above average facial aesthetic and muscular physique would have been relegated to searching Tinder for morbidly obese landwhales, hideously deformed meth-heads and the occasional tranny. Jack’s own severe autism, which prevented him from being able to spontaneously and naturally engage interpersonally with women, would have continued to perpetually consign him to a life of loneliness, sexual privation and abject misery. Such injustices were the incipient inspiration for the Great Incel Revolution and many a would-be mass shooter and serial killer flocked to join the ranks of the IPF Jihad Brigade and exacted their righteous retribution through the attainment of martyrdom.
The Great Cleansing had removed almost all of the Chads or otherwise degraded them to a life of drudgery, toil and servile labor in the work camps or industrial facilities of the PPRA where their animal-like strength and large muscles were put to the service of the state. The balance between man and woman which had been an irrefragable and inexorably component of every civilization and culture since the dawn of mankind had now been restored. The justice of Allah had been brought to the impudent and promiscuous whores who once arbitrarily selected on a whim from amongst the most muscle-bound and brutish Chads for a sexual partner and they were either made to embrace their new righteous faith by adopting the hijab and learning the Hadiths or were cast down amongst the sodomites in the detention facilities as slaves for the regime.
Jack walked up to his fine Islamic wife and patted her on her soft, flowing and luscious hair:
“You are a good and dutiful woman Sally and I commend you for your diligent work in the kitchen this day preparing what I am certain will be a sumptuous feast worthy of a Holy Jihad Martyr on the eve of attaining Shaheed.”
“Alhamdulillah and praise be to Allah for he is good and merciful!” Said Sally with the same fervent zeal as would have been expected from a member of the IPF’s Jihad Commando Brigade.
After relishing his fine middle eastern style dinner and afterwards instructing Sally on precisely what he wanted her to make for him tomorrow evening, Jack retired to his bedroom for the evening and awaited his wife’s arrival.
Prior to the Great Incel Revolution, almost all sex was considered recreational and was certainly non-procreative in nature, but now that the purity of Islamic law reigned supreme and the SS of the IPF enforced both the merciless justice of Sharia at gunpoint as well as the morally edifying edicts of the Supreme Patriarchal Council, all acts of physical intimacy were required by law to last no more then a maximum of either five minutes or whatever time was necessary for the physiological mechanics of nature to be properly consummated, whichever was quicker. Lust, envy, spite and raging jealousy were now all nullified since sex acts were no longer a depraved expression of debauchery merely undertaken so as to gratify the lustful desires of pleasure-seeking people, but were now facilitative of the constructive mitigation of natural physical urges but went no further. This was both in accordance with the will of Allah and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed, Peace be upon Him, and also consistent with creating a more dignified and righteous society wherein men and women could maintain some personal integrity and not be debased by lascivious acts of unspeakable depravity.
Each citizen’s home was required to be fitted with an infrared camera system which was installed and paid for by the state and which served to monitor any intimate physical interactions between man and foid. This system was monitored by ai programs which were designed to assess the length, intensity and overall explicitness of any sexual encounters and produce an automatically generated alert in instances where a couple transgressed upon the limitations that had been stipulated in furtherance of maintaining decent and honorable conduct befitting men and women who lived pious Islamic lives.
For those men who served honorably in the IPF or other governmental entities however and especially for those who, by virtue of innate genetic predisposition, had been imbued with a compelling need to satisfy their manly and libidinous urges, the PPRA established official “Houses of Relief” which existed in every town or municipality which had a population over 500 persons. Within these facilities, an IPF soldier could avail himself of a multitude of foids who had been designated as Degenerate Persons for their filthy lives of debauchery prior to the Great Revolution, though who had also undergone rigorous testing for STD’s and were certified as clean and non-contagious prior to their assignment as comfort women. These foids were selected both on the basis of their incorrigibility and unwillingness to embrace the purifying precepts of Islam but were likewise chosen for their slutty comportment, physical fitness and overall sexual appeal. Such facilities were only available to honorable men who, by virtue to both their service to the state as well as their fanatical commitment to and wiliness to die for Allah, had earned the right to be fully sated in this life as well as the next.
As Sally entered in to the finely appointed master suite of the house, she slipped out of her nightgown and laid down beside her husband with whom she was united together by the love and obedience they mutually shared for Allah. Jack embraced Sally and in a quick and momentarily satisfying act of gratification released his manly emission.
Jack turned over on his side and, facing the night stand, opened the top drawer and removed a pack of finely made, hand rolled Russian cigarettes. He offered one to Sally but she demurred.
As Jack lit his cig up and took a long, deep inhalation of the sweet tobacco he ruminated on how beneficent and benevolent was the love and supreme rulership of Allah. He also began to ponder his mission that the vice minister had assigned him earlier that day. How would he infiltrate those impious and depraved foids who made a mockery of male honor by seducing good, decent, Allah fearing male citizens with their salacious and sensual charms? What would he do when confronted with such an outrageous offense to the dignity of an Islamic man? Would he be able to restrain himself and refrain from beating these infidel whores to death immediately and with his own two hands long enough to acquire whatever information he needed to undermine their sordid and nefarious plans?
Lost in thought and deep in a contemplative state, Jack nearly forgot that Sally was still lying next to him.
“Dearest beloved husband, would you like for me to set out your morning prayer rug and perhaps prepare some tea for you to help you sleep more softly?” said Sally in a tone of adoration.
“No wife, you have done your duty this evening and as you know, I prefer to sleep alone in the comfort of my own bed and without any disturbances so I shall dismiss you for now and see you in the morning, Allah willing.”
Jack’s huge, 65-inch LCD TV came on at precisely 0900 the next morning and was tuned to his favorite program, the Joey Coffin Show. Joey had been one of the earliest members of the IPF in the pre-revolutionary days when it was a mere virtual online forum and, like every single one of those long-serving veterans who lent their support in the earliest days of the movement, had rapidly achieved promotion, high rank, power, status, wealth, great prestige and an exquisitely attractive pious Muslim wife. He had literally come up through the ranks and had served in every single position from buck private all the way to his current status as Deputy Vice Minister for Information and Public Enlightenment. In addition to his impeccable revolutionary bona fides, Joey had also been an exemplary and courageous soldier whose acts of valor and exploits on the battlefield had earned him the most exalted and rare honor of Hero of the Incel Revolution which Supreme Chancellor Romulus Aurelius had once personally bestowed upon him.
“This is Brigadier General Joey Coffin coming to you live from the Elliot Rodger metroplex broadcasting station here in the Dylan Klebold Center for Public Enlightenment and let me tell you my brothers, I have an amazing show for you today!”
“Our guest today is none other then Lieutenant Colonel Hermann Ludwig, the Chief Justice of the Sharia Court of High Appeals and by the light of Jihad, he has got a great story to tell us this morning.”
“Welcome to the show Colonel Ludwig and let me ask you how the public executions went last night.”
“Well General Coffin sir, I have just recently returned from the Amon Goeth Megadome Arena where as you know, we had a truly inspiring demonstration of both the justice of Sharia and the power of Allah last night.”
The camera cut to a recording of the previous evenings public execution event and showed a large raised platform in the center of an enormous colosseum-like event center filled with tens of thousands of cheering PPRA male citizens (female citizens and any civilians were not permitted to attend such events). On this platform knelt fifteen foids who had been accused, tried and convicted of promiscuous conduct, public degeneracy and offending against the code of Sharia by way of their filthy whorish antics. Each had been observed and recorded by SS agents engaging in raucous and lewd sex acts with various civilian men who themselves were all of Chad status. The men were each sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor in one of the many slave labor camps that was administered by the SS, while the foids would be subject to the most severe punishment that the holy Sharia proscribed for such intolerable degeneracy, that of beheading in public.
The camera zoomed in on the center of the stage where a short, somewhat fat, balding man of clearly Indian ancestry with a face that suggested mild retardation was standing attired in the dark brown uniform of a government sanitation worker. Next to him stood Lieutenant Colonel Ludwig who looked resplendent in his velvet and red satin judicial robes and a fine black cape made of the purest silk which signified his status as a high magistrate judge of the Court of Sharia Appeals.
Colonel Ludwig stepped in front of a large array of microphones and in a stern, yet inspiring tone, addressed the enormous crowd before him, “My fellow citizens of the great Patriarchal Peoples Republic of America, I give to you the condemned whores who have been sentenced by a righteous verdict of this holy and honorable court. Let it be known that there shall be neither tolerance or mercy for those vile jezebels who flaunt their promiscuity and in so doing bring forth the annihilating wrath of Allah!”
The crowd roared with enthusiasm and shouts of “Allahu Akbar!” and “Alhamdulillah!” could be heard surging across the entire arena.
Colonel Ludwig raised his hand and motioned for the rabble to desist from their rambunctious approbation.
“Silence, all of you! And now here this! Before you stands Private Third Class Jagdeep Dhankhar, a man who serves a most humble and lowly task of cleaning the men’s toilets in the IPF SS central barracks in Rodgerston yet, who by virtue of his own valor and courage, has been given a place of distinguished honor tonight on this hallowed ground which is consecrated to Allah.”
Colonel Ludwig continued, “The private was just last week assaulted by a gang of musclebound, steroid raging Chads who had just finished ravaging a group of vile whorish young foids when they saw Jagdeep making his way to his government issued panel van. The Chads mercilessly attacked the private but they could not have known that he was a man of ingenuity and wit, for he always kept in his pocket a vile of acidic chemicals that he had acquired through his cleaning assignments in case he ever needed to throw them upon the face of a slutty foid as punishment for public insolence. In this case however, Jagdeep removed the cap from his defensive acid mixture and unleashed it upon the Chads, who were by then pummeling him with their merciless punches. They all suffered severe chemical burns and were so incapacitated that the private was able to restrain them using the large supply of toilet paper which he had in his work supplies.”
“So, as you can now see, this humble servant of Allah and dutiful cleaner of SS toilets performed a most honorable and courageous act in the face of almost certain death and we hereby decree that as a just and suitable reward for his heroics, he be granted the privilege of personally administering the sentence upon the accused this evening.”
Colonel Ludwig stepped back and removed a large, beautifully crafted medieval Islamic scimitar whose blade was inscribed with the pledge of Jihad allegiance in Arabic and solemnly handed it to Jagdeep.
The private then went down the long row of condemned sluts each of whose head was strapped to a wooden chopping block and proceeded to decapitate them with great zeal and gusto.
The camera panned out across the glorious scene of the justice of Sharia being imposed upon those wretched harlots and then cut back to the interior of the studio where both Brigadier General Coffin and Colonel Ludwig were overcome with mirth and laughing almost hysterically at the site of so many whorish heads rolling about on the ground.
Finally, the Horst Wessel Leid began to play and all the citizens in the studio audience stood at attention in a show of respect for what was the official national anthem of the PPRM and had once been the anthem of the glorious Nazi Party.
General Coffin turned to the camera and said with a smile, “We hope you enjoyed our program today and we dedicate this show to the memory of all the incel martyrs who, through their valorous sacrifice and selfless service, brought forth a new dawn for all mankind. Allahu Akbar and inshallah!”
Jack turned the TV off, buttoned up his black SS officer’s tunic, pulled down his crimson beret snugly over his receding hairline and walked out to his government issued sedan thinking to himself that today will be the day that he infiltrates the resistance and brings those wretched seductresses with their repugnant feminine charms to the justice of Allah.
A Bold New World: Chapter 2
- Darth_aurelius
- Captain
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- Location: Führerbunker
IPF Service Award
Activity Award Medal
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
- Darth_aurelius
- Captain
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- Registered for: 8 months
- Location: Führerbunker
IPF Service Award
Activity Award Medal
Allah willing, the incremental serialized release of my novel will generate more support for and interest in these forums and will have the result of inspiring new comrades to join us. That is really one of the primary motivations for my allocating so much time to writing this. Of course, it also serves to elucidate just how incredibly glorious and righteous a future world ruled by the IPF would be for men such as ourselves where all the collective wrongs of the past have been remedied and the almighty and inescapable justice of Allah has been imposed upon those who are deserving of His wrath. Inshallah.
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
- General Alek
- Sergeant
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- Registered for: 8 months
IPF Service Award
Activity Award Medal
you are brilliant lol
Autism is God
- Darth_aurelius
- Captain
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- Registered for: 8 months
- Location: Führerbunker
IPF Service Award
Activity Award Medal
Thank you brother and I congratulate your future self on his promotion to Deputy Vice Minister and Brigadier General. I am certain that life shall imitate art and that one day we will realize these glorious aspirations and vindicate the sacrifice of Saint Elliot and all the other martyrs. Inshallah.
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
- General Alek
- Sergeant
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- Posts: 1093
- Registered for: 8 months
IPF Service Award
Activity Award Medal
where have you been all my life?Darth_aurelius wrote: ↑Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:53 pmThank you brother and I congratulate your future self on his promotion to Deputy Vice Minister and Brigadier General. I am certain that life shall imitate art and that one day we will realize these glorious aspirations and vindicate the sacrifice of Saint Elliot and all the other martyrs. Inshallah.
I was serving the incel movement since 2014, when no one had ever heard of it
in December 2014, I was a Facebook admin, and I was sharing Elliot Rodger fan pages to the pages I had management over
I always hoped a movement would form around him, I wondered what they would call this movement....
"incels" was my best guess, but pretty much no one ever used that word then
I could never find anyone who shared my ambition, until I met you on .is in October 2023
you started to get WAY more active after you met me, I hope I encouraged you or something
Autism is God
- Darth_aurelius
- Captain
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- Posts: 1326
- Registered for: 8 months
- Location: Führerbunker
IPF Service Award
Activity Award Medal
Yeah I can't honestly say that there was a certain point in time where I experienced some sort of epiphany or went through a catharsis and then realized the imperative for taking an interest in the plight of fellow incel men. I can tell you that I do recall reading "My Twisted World" as early as 2016 and thinking that the beautiful and moving prose of our Savior had particular relevance to me as I could strongly relate to this peculiar and ironic suffering that Saint Elliot had to endure. Like him, I am a higher tier normie who was born in to a family of wealth and prominence. Like him I am possessed of superior intellectual capacity relative to a vast majority of normies (I routinely test within the high 120's on IQ exams). Like him I am a sophisticated, cosmopolitan and refined gentleman who has studied history, politics, philosophy and world cultures. And perhaps most importantly, like him, I find it to be all the more intolerable that women reject me precisely because they then give their love, affection and pleasures to men far beneath my dignity and even beneath my contempt. So to answer your question indirectly, no you didn't really inspire me as I had been active on the forums since 2018 and thinking about these sorts of topics since 2016, though I do consider you to be an old comrade in arms.General Alek wrote: ↑Mon Aug 12, 2024 3:36 pmwhere have you been all my life?Darth_aurelius wrote: ↑Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:53 pmThank you brother and I congratulate your future self on his promotion to Deputy Vice Minister and Brigadier General. I am certain that life shall imitate art and that one day we will realize these glorious aspirations and vindicate the sacrifice of Saint Elliot and all the other martyrs. Inshallah.
I was serving the incel movement since 2014, when no one had ever heard of it
in December 2014, I was a Facebook admin, and I was sharing Elliot Rodger fan pages to the pages I had management over
I always hoped a movement would form around him, I wondered what they would call this movement....
"incels" was my best guess, but pretty much no one ever used that word then
I could never find anyone who shared my ambition, until I met you on .is in October 2023
you started to get WAY more active after you met me, I hope I encouraged you or something
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
- PoodankMcGee
- Second Lieutenant
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IPF Service Award
Activity Award Medal
It would be beautiful to cleanse the world of foid drivers and normscum and scientifically assign them to a breeding program to reward intellectual incels over primate chads and normscum.
In the Great Cleansing the IPF relieved many a tyrone and femoid of the contents of their skulls
I can already see some bluepilled faggot on Reddit saying "oh gawd PPRA is literally Gilead and the Handmaid's Tale"
But we'll be much more thorough
lmaooooo gigabased gonna public enlighten normies with some leadDylan Klebold Center for Public Enlightenment
In the Great Cleansing the IPF relieved many a tyrone and femoid of the contents of their skulls
I can already see some bluepilled faggot on Reddit saying "oh gawd PPRA is literally Gilead and the Handmaid's Tale"
But we'll be much more thorough
Your body, my choice
- Darth_aurelius
- Captain
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- Registered for: 8 months
- Location: Führerbunker
IPF Service Award
Activity Award Medal
Hahaha thank you for your words of high praise lieutenant, they mean a great deal coming from one whom I know is also an accomplished slinger of prose himself! And yes, I do believe that many of our comrades here will find great inspiration and an edifying elucidation of our future policies and their practical implications when they read this fine work of literature. The Great Cleansing shall serve to purify the lands of the infidels and purge them of the promiscuity, degeneracy, profligacy and debauchery which currently characterize western culture. The piety and propriety of honorable Islamic teaching shall be brought here with the sword and the inescapable justice of Sharia shall reign supreme. Inshallah.PoodankMcGee wrote: ↑Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:07 pm It would be beautiful to cleanse the world of foid drivers and normscum and scientifically assign them to a breeding program to reward intellectual incels over primate chads and normscum.
lmaooooo gigabased gonna public enlighten normies with some leadDylan Klebold Center for Public Enlightenment
In the Great Cleansing the IPF relieved many a tyrone and femoid of the contents of their skulls
I can already see some bluepilled faggot on Reddit saying "oh gawd PPRA is literally Gilead and the Handmaid's Tale"
But we'll be much more thorough
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
- Darth_aurelius
- Captain
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- Posts: 1326
- Registered for: 8 months
- Location: Führerbunker
IPF Service Award
Activity Award Medal
Thank you for the extremely generous compliment my comrade and I too can only aspire to live up to the great and honorable example set by our illustrious and noble Fuhrer in his own writings. I do hope that you found my writing to be as engaging as it was edifying and perhaps even somewhat entertaining. Thank you for taking the time to read this and please be on the lookout for the release of Chapter 3 which should be published in the next several days.
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
- oneline
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- Posts: 45
- Registered for: 7 months
Captain, I just finished chapter 2! Extremely well written. It feels very much like it could be sequelish to the American classic, The Tuner Diaries. As many of our fellow brothers, we are anxiously awaiting chapter 3.Darth_aurelius wrote: ↑Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:20 pm For those who have been following my earlier work on this forthcoming incel-themed novel, I am extremely pleased to be able to present to you Chapter 2 of my book. If you haven't done so already, please read Chapter 1 which can be found here: viewtopic.php?t=468
A Bold New World
Chapter 2
The sky was a steel gray color and the rain was coming down as Jack drove along the Alek Minassian Memorial Expressway west out of the urban precincts of the city of Rodgerston. The traffic was moving along very nicely and Jack reflected to himself upon the considerable discrepancy between how chaotic, slow and dangerous driving on public roadways had been before the Great Incel Revolution and the ease with which vehicular traffic could now be undertaken no matter where the destination.
One of the first official acts of the new regime upon the establishment of the Patriarchal Peoples Republic of America (PPRA) was the revocation of driver’s licenses for all females. This had both the consequence of considerably alleviating congestion by reducing the volume of cars on the road by approximately half and likewise ensured that the very worst, slowest, most oblivious and distracted drivers were now forever relegated to having to walk to ride bicycles to wherever they had to go. This seemed to Jack to be both prudent and fair since female drivers had always been notorious for their inability to competently and safely navigate their vehicles and were routinely driving well under the posted speed limit due to their constitutional timidity and incomprehension of the techniques involved in operating a motor vehicle.
The PPRA had likewise instituted a new hierarchical system of issuing drivers licenses so that all IPF and governmental personnel were given the privilege of driving in a specially designated lane reserved for them which had no posted speed limit while those male citizens who passed a rigorous enhanced drivers examination were allowed to drive at any speed they wanted, as they had unequivocally demonstrated their superior reflexes, hand-eye coordination and situational awareness. All of this led to a travel experience that was both pleasant and invigorating.
As Jack pressed hard on the accelerator of his security service sedan and topped it out at a blistering 149 MPH, he looked out his window at the many large factories and manufacturing facilities that comprised the outer districts of the capital city. It was within this industrial milieu that tens of thousands of civilians, both male and female alike, toiled in arduous conditions producing heavy armaments, ammunition, armored vehicles and all other manner of assorted military merchandise both as much for export as well as for use by the IPF’s Armed Forces.
The PPRA had consummated diplomatic trade treaties with other reactionary states which were committed to preserving the ancient and natural dichotomy between men and women and as such, benefitted from a mutual defense treaty with the Russian Federation, a formal alliance with the Islamic Republic of Iran and trade relations with Afghanistan, Chechnya and North Korea. The leaders of all these states would meet annually for a splendidly luxurious conference which was always held at medieval castle located in the Carpathian Mountains where they would imbibe the finest libations of French Cognac and black caviar from the Caspian Sea as they formulated plans to continue to ensure the supremacy of men and the continuation of their rightful place of prominence, privilege and superiority to women.
A mere fifteen minutes after having departed the government district in the center of the great capital, Jack was already exiting the freeway and rapidly decelerating as he entered in to a residential area which had formerly been in the outskirts of what was once called Ann Arbor and now given the more fitting and honorable name of Hermann Goering City. Despite its almost bucolic appearance with shady, tree lined streets, large spacious homes surrounded by equally large yards and a bit of a quaint ambiance, this was once a center of debauchery and degeneracy the likes of which would have made Sodom and Gomorrah look like paragons of Quaker piety. But the student rabble and their progressively minded enablers in the general population that once infested this place had all long since been properly and definitively dealt with in the Great Cleansing. Only those who were fit for hard physical labor in the industrial sectors were allowed to live. All others were arraigned on charges of corrupting the public morality, acts of gross lewdness, embracing a hedonistic life of degeneracy and offending against the laws of Allah; the punishment for such unpardonable acts was a righteous sentence of death.
Jack turned down one of the well-lit streets in this beatific suburban enclave and past a row of hundred-year-old maple trees whose leaves had turned all manner of brilliant shades of red, yellow and orange. After driving past eight houses, Jack reached the end of the street where his own home was situated on a quiet and private cul-de-sac. The house was built in the colonial style and had four bedrooms and three bathrooms as well as a luxurious basement which was home to both a large-scale in-home theater with projector and movie screen as well as Jack’s personal gaming room which housed his extreme high-spec PC that could run any game ever released with ease.
The home had formerly belonged to some troon loving faggot who had taught gender studies at the University of Michigan but after the Great Incel Revolution and the creation of the PPRA all property formerly belonging to Degenerate Persons (DP’s) was confiscated by the state and redistributed on the basis of both the seniority and rank of the individual receiving such largesse’s as well as the severity of his cumulative suffering by way of sustained sexual depravation. A calculus was devised by the rulers of the PPRA whereby those men who had endured inceldom for a prolonged and continuous period of time were granted fine homes along with correspondingly luxurious automobiles. They were likewise afforded the opportunity to join the IPF Security Service (SS) as compensation for having had to live such an immiserating and dejected existence. This policy also served as a reward for their not having committed mass murder in retribution and vengeance for their suffering.
Since Jack had endured nearly 30 years of incel status upon the coming to fruition of the Great Incel Revolution and since he also held officer rank in the elite SS of the IPF, the PPRA had adjudged him to be deserving of a 4,000 square foot home built within the last five years and having a large, two-acre yard which itself was distinguished by the many beautiful oak and maple trees that adorned the lot.
Jack stepped out of his black SS unmarked sedan and removed his bright red beret and his long black leather trench coat before he unlocked the backdoor which led in to a large open foyer that combined elements of modern and classical architecture and always reminded Jack of the homes which had once belonged to British officers before the American Revolution.
“Sally I’m home!” shouted Jack with a discernable measure of satisfaction in his voice.
The door to the kitchen opened up and a petite, svelte, very pretty woman in her early 30’s with long brown hair appeared wearing a traditional full-length dress with an apron worn over it.
“Oh, my sweet dear Jack! It is so wonderful having you back home this evening! I made you your favorite dinner and made sure to cook the chicken shawarma just right as I know how you love to savor all the succulent flavors it offers.”
A large smile came across Jack’s face as he beheld his state issued wife and marveled at how lovely she did appear to him in that moment.
Sally had once been a student enrolled at the former University of Michigan just a few miles from the very home where Jack now lived. The IPF’s reconditioning and reeducation programs had successfully disabused her of her once licentious sensibilities and she was inspired to repudiate the degenerate atheism that she previously subscribed to and instead embrace the precepts and teachings of Islam. Sally had even achieved Hafiz by memorizing the entire Quran in an unusually impressive display of Islamic fidelity and personal piety. After a full 24 months in the reeducation facility and after her successful graduation from the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Madrasa in Rodgerston, Sally was given a careful and scrupulous evaluation by the authorities in the redistribution program and assigned a numerical value on a decile scale which reflected her combined physical, aesthetic and sexual rating.
The PPRA was committed to not merely ameliorating the grievous and unspeakable inequities of past generations whereby individual Alpha type males with tremendous physical strength and excellent aesthetic comportment (also known as “Chads”) would unilaterally dominate the mating and dating process, but it also ensured that each man in the IPF was assigned a woman who was commensurate to him aesthetically. This was the process known as compulsory looksmatching and was assiduously enforced and scrupulously adhered to in the interests of equity, justice and fundamental fairness. Special consideration was given to rank and status in the IPF of course, so that naturally, the highest-ranking ministers and generals would be assigned the most ravishing women irrespective of their own physical or aesthetic qualities but for all others, an objective analytical calculus was applied to ascertain and identify a woman who was commensurate to their own cumulative status.
Since Jack had graduated law school at the top of his class from an elite academic institution, was physically fit, tall and considered by most of his fellow SS officers as at least a higher tier normie in his face, he was assigned Sally who was herself a very pretty woman with a fit, athletic physique which was complimentary to Jack’s own body morphology. This was fair, equitable and perfectly just and obviated the sort of frivolous considerations which had previously been used by women as their own personal selection criteria and which typically emphasized penis girth and length, the ability to tell jokes, crude, brutish and almost animal-like behavior and other marks of personal degeneracy. Unlike such crass barbarians, who would have previously enjoyed the pleasures of a brown-haired beauty like Sally, Jack was a man who personified the four chief virtues once adumbrated by the great stoical philosopher and Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, those of wisdom, justice, temperance and fortitude. He was likewise a devout and pious Muslim, a veteran soldier of the IPF who had won many decorations including a Knights Cross for gallantry in battle and, most importantly, a lifelong incel man who deserved vindication of his immeasurable sufferings.
On the basis of truly objective factual considerations and as a consequence of a mostly ai driven aesthetic and morphological analysis, Jack was assigned a “7.5” out of a possible ideal rating of 10, although his score was increased by half a point for his Islamic piety and another half point in compensation for a life of dejected inceldom prior to the Great Revolution, thereby resulting in a final looksmatch quotient, or “LQ” of “8.5”. Thus, Jack was entitled by the ancient customs of manhood, to a female companion who herself was of stunning physical beauty and would easily mog, or put to shame, approximately 90-95%% of other women.
Since Sally did not have an education which imbued her with the sorts of intellectual, creative or technical skills which would have enabled her to provide some viable social or economic utility function to the PPRA (she stupidly majored in performing arts, as did many of her fellow dumb foids prior to the Great Revolution), she was downgraded by a full point. Likewise, another half point was deducted in recognition of her having formerly lived a life of frivolity, degeneracy and sexual debauchery prior to her conversion to Islam. This meant that while Jack was technically only a “7.5”, on the basis of objective assessment metrics and Sally would have been considered a “9.5”, merely as a consequence of her ravishing and uniquely beautiful looks, the looksmatch program effectuated a proper balancing of the interests. The result of this fair and entirely dispassionate adjudication ensured that proper justice was done both to the interests of the man, who deserved a physically beautiful woman as his Islamic wife and to those of the woman, who ought to have a husband who was courageous, mighty and ready to enthusiastically embrace Shaheed and the path to martyrdom, should the righteous call of Jihad ring forth from the minaret.
In the dark times of female licentiousness and the arbitrary rule of foids in the dating and mating market, Sally would have been able to select from amongst the most physically robust, steroid-maxxed, NCAA Division I Football-playing Chads with chiseled jawbones, great blonde manes of lion-like hair and large, girthy penises who would have pandered to her every whim and debased themselves in competition for her. In those squalid and immiserating years, a man such as Jack, despite his brilliant mind, extraordinary educational qualifications, personal courage, above average facial aesthetic and muscular physique would have been relegated to searching Tinder for morbidly obese landwhales, hideously deformed meth-heads and the occasional tranny. Jack’s own severe autism, which prevented him from being able to spontaneously and naturally engage interpersonally with women, would have continued to perpetually consign him to a life of loneliness, sexual privation and abject misery. Such injustices were the incipient inspiration for the Great Incel Revolution and many a would-be mass shooter and serial killer flocked to join the ranks of the IPF Jihad Brigade and exacted their righteous retribution through the attainment of martyrdom.
The Great Cleansing had removed almost all of the Chads or otherwise degraded them to a life of drudgery, toil and servile labor in the work camps or industrial facilities of the PPRA where their animal-like strength and large muscles were put to the service of the state. The balance between man and woman which had been an irrefragable and inexorably component of every civilization and culture since the dawn of mankind had now been restored. The justice of Allah had been brought to the impudent and promiscuous whores who once arbitrarily selected on a whim from amongst the most muscle-bound and brutish Chads for a sexual partner and they were either made to embrace their new righteous faith by adopting the hijab and learning the Hadiths or were cast down amongst the sodomites in the detention facilities as slaves for the regime.
Jack walked up to his fine Islamic wife and patted her on her soft, flowing and luscious hair:
“You are a good and dutiful woman Sally and I commend you for your diligent work in the kitchen this day preparing what I am certain will be a sumptuous feast worthy of a Holy Jihad Martyr on the eve of attaining Shaheed.”
“Alhamdulillah and praise be to Allah for he is good and merciful!” Said Sally with the same fervent zeal as would have been expected from a member of the IPF’s Jihad Commando Brigade.
After relishing his fine middle eastern style dinner and afterwards instructing Sally on precisely what he wanted her to make for him tomorrow evening, Jack retired to his bedroom for the evening and awaited his wife’s arrival.
Prior to the Great Incel Revolution, almost all sex was considered recreational and was certainly non-procreative in nature, but now that the purity of Islamic law reigned supreme and the SS of the IPF enforced both the merciless justice of Sharia at gunpoint as well as the morally edifying edicts of the Supreme Patriarchal Council, all acts of physical intimacy were required by law to last no more then a maximum of either five minutes or whatever time was necessary for the physiological mechanics of nature to be properly consummated, whichever was quicker. Lust, envy, spite and raging jealousy were now all nullified since sex acts were no longer a depraved expression of debauchery merely undertaken so as to gratify the lustful desires of pleasure-seeking people, but were now facilitative of the constructive mitigation of natural physical urges but went no further. This was both in accordance with the will of Allah and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed, Peace be upon Him, and also consistent with creating a more dignified and righteous society wherein men and women could maintain some personal integrity and not be debased by lascivious acts of unspeakable depravity.
Each citizen’s home was required to be fitted with an infrared camera system which was installed and paid for by the state and which served to monitor any intimate physical interactions between man and foid. This system was monitored by ai programs which were designed to assess the length, intensity and overall explicitness of any sexual encounters and produce an automatically generated alert in instances where a couple transgressed upon the limitations that had been stipulated in furtherance of maintaining decent and honorable conduct befitting men and women who lived pious Islamic lives.
For those men who served honorably in the IPF or other governmental entities however and especially for those who, by virtue of innate genetic predisposition, had been imbued with a compelling need to satisfy their manly and libidinous urges, the PPRA established official “Houses of Relief” which existed in every town or municipality which had a population over 500 persons. Within these facilities, an IPF soldier could avail himself of a multitude of foids who had been designated as Degenerate Persons for their filthy lives of debauchery prior to the Great Revolution, though who had also undergone rigorous testing for STD’s and were certified as clean and non-contagious prior to their assignment as comfort women. These foids were selected both on the basis of their incorrigibility and unwillingness to embrace the purifying precepts of Islam but were likewise chosen for their slutty comportment, physical fitness and overall sexual appeal. Such facilities were only available to honorable men who, by virtue to both their service to the state as well as their fanatical commitment to and wiliness to die for Allah, had earned the right to be fully sated in this life as well as the next.
As Sally entered in to the finely appointed master suite of the house, she slipped out of her nightgown and laid down beside her husband with whom she was united together by the love and obedience they mutually shared for Allah. Jack embraced Sally and in a quick and momentarily satisfying act of gratification released his manly emission.
Jack turned over on his side and, facing the night stand, opened the top drawer and removed a pack of finely made, hand rolled Russian cigarettes. He offered one to Sally but she demurred.
As Jack lit his cig up and took a long, deep inhalation of the sweet tobacco he ruminated on how beneficent and benevolent was the love and supreme rulership of Allah. He also began to ponder his mission that the vice minister had assigned him earlier that day. How would he infiltrate those impious and depraved foids who made a mockery of male honor by seducing good, decent, Allah fearing male citizens with their salacious and sensual charms? What would he do when confronted with such an outrageous offense to the dignity of an Islamic man? Would he be able to restrain himself and refrain from beating these infidel whores to death immediately and with his own two hands long enough to acquire whatever information he needed to undermine their sordid and nefarious plans?
Lost in thought and deep in a contemplative state, Jack nearly forgot that Sally was still lying next to him.
“Dearest beloved husband, would you like for me to set out your morning prayer rug and perhaps prepare some tea for you to help you sleep more softly?” said Sally in a tone of adoration.
“No wife, you have done your duty this evening and as you know, I prefer to sleep alone in the comfort of my own bed and without any disturbances so I shall dismiss you for now and see you in the morning, Allah willing.”
Jack’s huge, 65-inch LCD TV came on at precisely 0900 the next morning and was tuned to his favorite program, the Joey Coffin Show. Joey had been one of the earliest members of the IPF in the pre-revolutionary days when it was a mere virtual online forum and, like every single one of those long-serving veterans who lent their support in the earliest days of the movement, had rapidly achieved promotion, high rank, power, status, wealth, great prestige and an exquisitely attractive pious Muslim wife. He had literally come up through the ranks and had served in every single position from buck private all the way to his current status as Deputy Vice Minister for Information and Public Enlightenment. In addition to his impeccable revolutionary bona fides, Joey had also been an exemplary and courageous soldier whose acts of valor and exploits on the battlefield had earned him the most exalted and rare honor of Hero of the Incel Revolution which Supreme Chancellor Romulus Aurelius had once personally bestowed upon him.
“This is Brigadier General Joey Coffin coming to you live from the Elliot Rodger metroplex broadcasting station here in the Dylan Klebold Center for Public Enlightenment and let me tell you my brothers, I have an amazing show for you today!”
“Our guest today is none other then Lieutenant Colonel Hermann Ludwig, the Chief Justice of the Sharia Court of High Appeals and by the light of Jihad, he has got a great story to tell us this morning.”
“Welcome to the show Colonel Ludwig and let me ask you how the public executions went last night.”
“Well General Coffin sir, I have just recently returned from the Amon Goeth Megadome Arena where as you know, we had a truly inspiring demonstration of both the justice of Sharia and the power of Allah last night.”
The camera cut to a recording of the previous evenings public execution event and showed a large raised platform in the center of an enormous colosseum-like event center filled with tens of thousands of cheering PPRA male citizens (female citizens and any civilians were not permitted to attend such events). On this platform knelt fifteen foids who had been accused, tried and convicted of promiscuous conduct, public degeneracy and offending against the code of Sharia by way of their filthy whorish antics. Each had been observed and recorded by SS agents engaging in raucous and lewd sex acts with various civilian men who themselves were all of Chad status. The men were each sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor in one of the many slave labor camps that was administered by the SS, while the foids would be subject to the most severe punishment that the holy Sharia proscribed for such intolerable degeneracy, that of beheading in public.
The camera zoomed in on the center of the stage where a short, somewhat fat, balding man of clearly Indian ancestry with a face that suggested mild retardation was standing attired in the dark brown uniform of a government sanitation worker. Next to him stood Lieutenant Colonel Ludwig who looked resplendent in his velvet and red satin judicial robes and a fine black cape made of the purest silk which signified his status as a high magistrate judge of the Court of Sharia Appeals.
Colonel Ludwig stepped in front of a large array of microphones and in a stern, yet inspiring tone, addressed the enormous crowd before him, “My fellow citizens of the great Patriarchal Peoples Republic of America, I give to you the condemned whores who have been sentenced by a righteous verdict of this holy and honorable court. Let it be known that there shall be neither tolerance or mercy for those vile jezebels who flaunt their promiscuity and in so doing bring forth the annihilating wrath of Allah!”
The crowd roared with enthusiasm and shouts of “Allahu Akbar!” and “Alhamdulillah!” could be heard surging across the entire arena.
Colonel Ludwig raised his hand and motioned for the rabble to desist from their rambunctious approbation.
“Silence, all of you! And now here this! Before you stands Private Third Class Jagdeep Dhankhar, a man who serves a most humble and lowly task of cleaning the men’s toilets in the IPF SS central barracks in Rodgerston yet, who by virtue of his own valor and courage, has been given a place of distinguished honor tonight on this hallowed ground which is consecrated to Allah.”
Colonel Ludwig continued, “The private was just last week assaulted by a gang of musclebound, steroid raging Chads who had just finished ravaging a group of vile whorish young foids when they saw Jagdeep making his way to his government issued panel van. The Chads mercilessly attacked the private but they could not have known that he was a man of ingenuity and wit, for he always kept in his pocket a vile of acidic chemicals that he had acquired through his cleaning assignments in case he ever needed to throw them upon the face of a slutty foid as punishment for public insolence. In this case however, Jagdeep removed the cap from his defensive acid mixture and unleashed it upon the Chads, who were by then pummeling him with their merciless punches. They all suffered severe chemical burns and were so incapacitated that the private was able to restrain them using the large supply of toilet paper which he had in his work supplies.”
“So, as you can now see, this humble servant of Allah and dutiful cleaner of SS toilets performed a most honorable and courageous act in the face of almost certain death and we hereby decree that as a just and suitable reward for his heroics, he be granted the privilege of personally administering the sentence upon the accused this evening.”
Colonel Ludwig stepped back and removed a large, beautifully crafted medieval Islamic scimitar whose blade was inscribed with the pledge of Jihad allegiance in Arabic and solemnly handed it to Jagdeep.
The private then went down the long row of condemned sluts each of whose head was strapped to a wooden chopping block and proceeded to decapitate them with great zeal and gusto.
The camera panned out across the glorious scene of the justice of Sharia being imposed upon those wretched harlots and then cut back to the interior of the studio where both Brigadier General Coffin and Colonel Ludwig were overcome with mirth and laughing almost hysterically at the site of so many whorish heads rolling about on the ground.
Finally, the Horst Wessel Leid began to play and all the citizens in the studio audience stood at attention in a show of respect for what was the official national anthem of the PPRM and had once been the anthem of the glorious Nazi Party.
General Coffin turned to the camera and said with a smile, “We hope you enjoyed our program today and we dedicate this show to the memory of all the incel martyrs who, through their valorous sacrifice and selfless service, brought forth a new dawn for all mankind. Allahu Akbar and inshallah!”
Jack turned the TV off, buttoned up his black SS officer’s tunic, pulled down his crimson beret snugly over his receding hairline and walked out to his government issued sedan thinking to himself that today will be the day that he infiltrates the resistance and brings those wretched seductresses with their repugnant feminine charms to the justice of Allah.
- Darth_aurelius
- Captain
- Reactions:
- Posts: 1326
- Registered for: 8 months
- Location: Führerbunker
IPF Service Award
Activity Award Medal
I actually mentioned that before I had even written this magnificent work of literature to one of my fellow staff members as I am very familiar with the ideology of the Militia Movement, having served as a Captain and a master of counter-infiltration whose particular expertise was exposing feds and MSP detectives and then doxing them and their families online. Thank you for taking the time to read what I know will be the Mein Kampf of our movement. Chapter 3 has already been completed and I will publish it here in the next day or so.oneline wrote: ↑Thu Aug 15, 2024 12:13 pmCaptain, I just finished chapter 2! Extremely well written. It feels very much like it could be sequelish to the American classic, The Tuner Diaries. As many of our fellow brothers, we are anxiously awaiting chapter 3.Darth_aurelius wrote: ↑Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:20 pm For those who have been following my earlier work on this forthcoming incel-themed novel, I am extremely pleased to be able to present to you Chapter 2 of my book. If you haven't done so already, please read Chapter 1 which can be found here: viewtopic.php?t=468
A Bold New World
Chapter 2
The sky was a steel gray color and the rain was coming down as Jack drove along the Alek Minassian Memorial Expressway west out of the urban precincts of the city of Rodgerston. The traffic was moving along very nicely and Jack reflected to himself upon the considerable discrepancy between how chaotic, slow and dangerous driving on public roadways had been before the Great Incel Revolution and the ease with which vehicular traffic could now be undertaken no matter where the destination.
One of the first official acts of the new regime upon the establishment of the Patriarchal Peoples Republic of America (PPRA) was the revocation of driver’s licenses for all females. This had both the consequence of considerably alleviating congestion by reducing the volume of cars on the road by approximately half and likewise ensured that the very worst, slowest, most oblivious and distracted drivers were now forever relegated to having to walk to ride bicycles to wherever they had to go. This seemed to Jack to be both prudent and fair since female drivers had always been notorious for their inability to competently and safely navigate their vehicles and were routinely driving well under the posted speed limit due to their constitutional timidity and incomprehension of the techniques involved in operating a motor vehicle.
The PPRA had likewise instituted a new hierarchical system of issuing drivers licenses so that all IPF and governmental personnel were given the privilege of driving in a specially designated lane reserved for them which had no posted speed limit while those male citizens who passed a rigorous enhanced drivers examination were allowed to drive at any speed they wanted, as they had unequivocally demonstrated their superior reflexes, hand-eye coordination and situational awareness. All of this led to a travel experience that was both pleasant and invigorating.
As Jack pressed hard on the accelerator of his security service sedan and topped it out at a blistering 149 MPH, he looked out his window at the many large factories and manufacturing facilities that comprised the outer districts of the capital city. It was within this industrial milieu that tens of thousands of civilians, both male and female alike, toiled in arduous conditions producing heavy armaments, ammunition, armored vehicles and all other manner of assorted military merchandise both as much for export as well as for use by the IPF’s Armed Forces.
The PPRA had consummated diplomatic trade treaties with other reactionary states which were committed to preserving the ancient and natural dichotomy between men and women and as such, benefitted from a mutual defense treaty with the Russian Federation, a formal alliance with the Islamic Republic of Iran and trade relations with Afghanistan, Chechnya and North Korea. The leaders of all these states would meet annually for a splendidly luxurious conference which was always held at medieval castle located in the Carpathian Mountains where they would imbibe the finest libations of French Cognac and black caviar from the Caspian Sea as they formulated plans to continue to ensure the supremacy of men and the continuation of their rightful place of prominence, privilege and superiority to women.
A mere fifteen minutes after having departed the government district in the center of the great capital, Jack was already exiting the freeway and rapidly decelerating as he entered in to a residential area which had formerly been in the outskirts of what was once called Ann Arbor and now given the more fitting and honorable name of Hermann Goering City. Despite its almost bucolic appearance with shady, tree lined streets, large spacious homes surrounded by equally large yards and a bit of a quaint ambiance, this was once a center of debauchery and degeneracy the likes of which would have made Sodom and Gomorrah look like paragons of Quaker piety. But the student rabble and their progressively minded enablers in the general population that once infested this place had all long since been properly and definitively dealt with in the Great Cleansing. Only those who were fit for hard physical labor in the industrial sectors were allowed to live. All others were arraigned on charges of corrupting the public morality, acts of gross lewdness, embracing a hedonistic life of degeneracy and offending against the laws of Allah; the punishment for such unpardonable acts was a righteous sentence of death.
Jack turned down one of the well-lit streets in this beatific suburban enclave and past a row of hundred-year-old maple trees whose leaves had turned all manner of brilliant shades of red, yellow and orange. After driving past eight houses, Jack reached the end of the street where his own home was situated on a quiet and private cul-de-sac. The house was built in the colonial style and had four bedrooms and three bathrooms as well as a luxurious basement which was home to both a large-scale in-home theater with projector and movie screen as well as Jack’s personal gaming room which housed his extreme high-spec PC that could run any game ever released with ease.
The home had formerly belonged to some troon loving faggot who had taught gender studies at the University of Michigan but after the Great Incel Revolution and the creation of the PPRA all property formerly belonging to Degenerate Persons (DP’s) was confiscated by the state and redistributed on the basis of both the seniority and rank of the individual receiving such largesse’s as well as the severity of his cumulative suffering by way of sustained sexual depravation. A calculus was devised by the rulers of the PPRA whereby those men who had endured inceldom for a prolonged and continuous period of time were granted fine homes along with correspondingly luxurious automobiles. They were likewise afforded the opportunity to join the IPF Security Service (SS) as compensation for having had to live such an immiserating and dejected existence. This policy also served as a reward for their not having committed mass murder in retribution and vengeance for their suffering.
Since Jack had endured nearly 30 years of incel status upon the coming to fruition of the Great Incel Revolution and since he also held officer rank in the elite SS of the IPF, the PPRA had adjudged him to be deserving of a 4,000 square foot home built within the last five years and having a large, two-acre yard which itself was distinguished by the many beautiful oak and maple trees that adorned the lot.
Jack stepped out of his black SS unmarked sedan and removed his bright red beret and his long black leather trench coat before he unlocked the backdoor which led in to a large open foyer that combined elements of modern and classical architecture and always reminded Jack of the homes which had once belonged to British officers before the American Revolution.
“Sally I’m home!” shouted Jack with a discernable measure of satisfaction in his voice.
The door to the kitchen opened up and a petite, svelte, very pretty woman in her early 30’s with long brown hair appeared wearing a traditional full-length dress with an apron worn over it.
“Oh, my sweet dear Jack! It is so wonderful having you back home this evening! I made you your favorite dinner and made sure to cook the chicken shawarma just right as I know how you love to savor all the succulent flavors it offers.”
A large smile came across Jack’s face as he beheld his state issued wife and marveled at how lovely she did appear to him in that moment.
Sally had once been a student enrolled at the former University of Michigan just a few miles from the very home where Jack now lived. The IPF’s reconditioning and reeducation programs had successfully disabused her of her once licentious sensibilities and she was inspired to repudiate the degenerate atheism that she previously subscribed to and instead embrace the precepts and teachings of Islam. Sally had even achieved Hafiz by memorizing the entire Quran in an unusually impressive display of Islamic fidelity and personal piety. After a full 24 months in the reeducation facility and after her successful graduation from the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Madrasa in Rodgerston, Sally was given a careful and scrupulous evaluation by the authorities in the redistribution program and assigned a numerical value on a decile scale which reflected her combined physical, aesthetic and sexual rating.
The PPRA was committed to not merely ameliorating the grievous and unspeakable inequities of past generations whereby individual Alpha type males with tremendous physical strength and excellent aesthetic comportment (also known as “Chads”) would unilaterally dominate the mating and dating process, but it also ensured that each man in the IPF was assigned a woman who was commensurate to him aesthetically. This was the process known as compulsory looksmatching and was assiduously enforced and scrupulously adhered to in the interests of equity, justice and fundamental fairness. Special consideration was given to rank and status in the IPF of course, so that naturally, the highest-ranking ministers and generals would be assigned the most ravishing women irrespective of their own physical or aesthetic qualities but for all others, an objective analytical calculus was applied to ascertain and identify a woman who was commensurate to their own cumulative status.
Since Jack had graduated law school at the top of his class from an elite academic institution, was physically fit, tall and considered by most of his fellow SS officers as at least a higher tier normie in his face, he was assigned Sally who was herself a very pretty woman with a fit, athletic physique which was complimentary to Jack’s own body morphology. This was fair, equitable and perfectly just and obviated the sort of frivolous considerations which had previously been used by women as their own personal selection criteria and which typically emphasized penis girth and length, the ability to tell jokes, crude, brutish and almost animal-like behavior and other marks of personal degeneracy. Unlike such crass barbarians, who would have previously enjoyed the pleasures of a brown-haired beauty like Sally, Jack was a man who personified the four chief virtues once adumbrated by the great stoical philosopher and Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, those of wisdom, justice, temperance and fortitude. He was likewise a devout and pious Muslim, a veteran soldier of the IPF who had won many decorations including a Knights Cross for gallantry in battle and, most importantly, a lifelong incel man who deserved vindication of his immeasurable sufferings.
On the basis of truly objective factual considerations and as a consequence of a mostly ai driven aesthetic and morphological analysis, Jack was assigned a “7.5” out of a possible ideal rating of 10, although his score was increased by half a point for his Islamic piety and another half point in compensation for a life of dejected inceldom prior to the Great Revolution, thereby resulting in a final looksmatch quotient, or “LQ” of “8.5”. Thus, Jack was entitled by the ancient customs of manhood, to a female companion who herself was of stunning physical beauty and would easily mog, or put to shame, approximately 90-95%% of other women.
Since Sally did not have an education which imbued her with the sorts of intellectual, creative or technical skills which would have enabled her to provide some viable social or economic utility function to the PPRA (she stupidly majored in performing arts, as did many of her fellow dumb foids prior to the Great Revolution), she was downgraded by a full point. Likewise, another half point was deducted in recognition of her having formerly lived a life of frivolity, degeneracy and sexual debauchery prior to her conversion to Islam. This meant that while Jack was technically only a “7.5”, on the basis of objective assessment metrics and Sally would have been considered a “9.5”, merely as a consequence of her ravishing and uniquely beautiful looks, the looksmatch program effectuated a proper balancing of the interests. The result of this fair and entirely dispassionate adjudication ensured that proper justice was done both to the interests of the man, who deserved a physically beautiful woman as his Islamic wife and to those of the woman, who ought to have a husband who was courageous, mighty and ready to enthusiastically embrace Shaheed and the path to martyrdom, should the righteous call of Jihad ring forth from the minaret.
In the dark times of female licentiousness and the arbitrary rule of foids in the dating and mating market, Sally would have been able to select from amongst the most physically robust, steroid-maxxed, NCAA Division I Football-playing Chads with chiseled jawbones, great blonde manes of lion-like hair and large, girthy penises who would have pandered to her every whim and debased themselves in competition for her. In those squalid and immiserating years, a man such as Jack, despite his brilliant mind, extraordinary educational qualifications, personal courage, above average facial aesthetic and muscular physique would have been relegated to searching Tinder for morbidly obese landwhales, hideously deformed meth-heads and the occasional tranny. Jack’s own severe autism, which prevented him from being able to spontaneously and naturally engage interpersonally with women, would have continued to perpetually consign him to a life of loneliness, sexual privation and abject misery. Such injustices were the incipient inspiration for the Great Incel Revolution and many a would-be mass shooter and serial killer flocked to join the ranks of the IPF Jihad Brigade and exacted their righteous retribution through the attainment of martyrdom.
The Great Cleansing had removed almost all of the Chads or otherwise degraded them to a life of drudgery, toil and servile labor in the work camps or industrial facilities of the PPRA where their animal-like strength and large muscles were put to the service of the state. The balance between man and woman which had been an irrefragable and inexorably component of every civilization and culture since the dawn of mankind had now been restored. The justice of Allah had been brought to the impudent and promiscuous whores who once arbitrarily selected on a whim from amongst the most muscle-bound and brutish Chads for a sexual partner and they were either made to embrace their new righteous faith by adopting the hijab and learning the Hadiths or were cast down amongst the sodomites in the detention facilities as slaves for the regime.
Jack walked up to his fine Islamic wife and patted her on her soft, flowing and luscious hair:
“You are a good and dutiful woman Sally and I commend you for your diligent work in the kitchen this day preparing what I am certain will be a sumptuous feast worthy of a Holy Jihad Martyr on the eve of attaining Shaheed.”
“Alhamdulillah and praise be to Allah for he is good and merciful!” Said Sally with the same fervent zeal as would have been expected from a member of the IPF’s Jihad Commando Brigade.
After relishing his fine middle eastern style dinner and afterwards instructing Sally on precisely what he wanted her to make for him tomorrow evening, Jack retired to his bedroom for the evening and awaited his wife’s arrival.
Prior to the Great Incel Revolution, almost all sex was considered recreational and was certainly non-procreative in nature, but now that the purity of Islamic law reigned supreme and the SS of the IPF enforced both the merciless justice of Sharia at gunpoint as well as the morally edifying edicts of the Supreme Patriarchal Council, all acts of physical intimacy were required by law to last no more then a maximum of either five minutes or whatever time was necessary for the physiological mechanics of nature to be properly consummated, whichever was quicker. Lust, envy, spite and raging jealousy were now all nullified since sex acts were no longer a depraved expression of debauchery merely undertaken so as to gratify the lustful desires of pleasure-seeking people, but were now facilitative of the constructive mitigation of natural physical urges but went no further. This was both in accordance with the will of Allah and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed, Peace be upon Him, and also consistent with creating a more dignified and righteous society wherein men and women could maintain some personal integrity and not be debased by lascivious acts of unspeakable depravity.
Each citizen’s home was required to be fitted with an infrared camera system which was installed and paid for by the state and which served to monitor any intimate physical interactions between man and foid. This system was monitored by ai programs which were designed to assess the length, intensity and overall explicitness of any sexual encounters and produce an automatically generated alert in instances where a couple transgressed upon the limitations that had been stipulated in furtherance of maintaining decent and honorable conduct befitting men and women who lived pious Islamic lives.
For those men who served honorably in the IPF or other governmental entities however and especially for those who, by virtue of innate genetic predisposition, had been imbued with a compelling need to satisfy their manly and libidinous urges, the PPRA established official “Houses of Relief” which existed in every town or municipality which had a population over 500 persons. Within these facilities, an IPF soldier could avail himself of a multitude of foids who had been designated as Degenerate Persons for their filthy lives of debauchery prior to the Great Revolution, though who had also undergone rigorous testing for STD’s and were certified as clean and non-contagious prior to their assignment as comfort women. These foids were selected both on the basis of their incorrigibility and unwillingness to embrace the purifying precepts of Islam but were likewise chosen for their slutty comportment, physical fitness and overall sexual appeal. Such facilities were only available to honorable men who, by virtue to both their service to the state as well as their fanatical commitment to and wiliness to die for Allah, had earned the right to be fully sated in this life as well as the next.
As Sally entered in to the finely appointed master suite of the house, she slipped out of her nightgown and laid down beside her husband with whom she was united together by the love and obedience they mutually shared for Allah. Jack embraced Sally and in a quick and momentarily satisfying act of gratification released his manly emission.
Jack turned over on his side and, facing the night stand, opened the top drawer and removed a pack of finely made, hand rolled Russian cigarettes. He offered one to Sally but she demurred.
As Jack lit his cig up and took a long, deep inhalation of the sweet tobacco he ruminated on how beneficent and benevolent was the love and supreme rulership of Allah. He also began to ponder his mission that the vice minister had assigned him earlier that day. How would he infiltrate those impious and depraved foids who made a mockery of male honor by seducing good, decent, Allah fearing male citizens with their salacious and sensual charms? What would he do when confronted with such an outrageous offense to the dignity of an Islamic man? Would he be able to restrain himself and refrain from beating these infidel whores to death immediately and with his own two hands long enough to acquire whatever information he needed to undermine their sordid and nefarious plans?
Lost in thought and deep in a contemplative state, Jack nearly forgot that Sally was still lying next to him.
“Dearest beloved husband, would you like for me to set out your morning prayer rug and perhaps prepare some tea for you to help you sleep more softly?” said Sally in a tone of adoration.
“No wife, you have done your duty this evening and as you know, I prefer to sleep alone in the comfort of my own bed and without any disturbances so I shall dismiss you for now and see you in the morning, Allah willing.”
Jack’s huge, 65-inch LCD TV came on at precisely 0900 the next morning and was tuned to his favorite program, the Joey Coffin Show. Joey had been one of the earliest members of the IPF in the pre-revolutionary days when it was a mere virtual online forum and, like every single one of those long-serving veterans who lent their support in the earliest days of the movement, had rapidly achieved promotion, high rank, power, status, wealth, great prestige and an exquisitely attractive pious Muslim wife. He had literally come up through the ranks and had served in every single position from buck private all the way to his current status as Deputy Vice Minister for Information and Public Enlightenment. In addition to his impeccable revolutionary bona fides, Joey had also been an exemplary and courageous soldier whose acts of valor and exploits on the battlefield had earned him the most exalted and rare honor of Hero of the Incel Revolution which Supreme Chancellor Romulus Aurelius had once personally bestowed upon him.
“This is Brigadier General Joey Coffin coming to you live from the Elliot Rodger metroplex broadcasting station here in the Dylan Klebold Center for Public Enlightenment and let me tell you my brothers, I have an amazing show for you today!”
“Our guest today is none other then Lieutenant Colonel Hermann Ludwig, the Chief Justice of the Sharia Court of High Appeals and by the light of Jihad, he has got a great story to tell us this morning.”
“Welcome to the show Colonel Ludwig and let me ask you how the public executions went last night.”
“Well General Coffin sir, I have just recently returned from the Amon Goeth Megadome Arena where as you know, we had a truly inspiring demonstration of both the justice of Sharia and the power of Allah last night.”
The camera cut to a recording of the previous evenings public execution event and showed a large raised platform in the center of an enormous colosseum-like event center filled with tens of thousands of cheering PPRA male citizens (female citizens and any civilians were not permitted to attend such events). On this platform knelt fifteen foids who had been accused, tried and convicted of promiscuous conduct, public degeneracy and offending against the code of Sharia by way of their filthy whorish antics. Each had been observed and recorded by SS agents engaging in raucous and lewd sex acts with various civilian men who themselves were all of Chad status. The men were each sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor in one of the many slave labor camps that was administered by the SS, while the foids would be subject to the most severe punishment that the holy Sharia proscribed for such intolerable degeneracy, that of beheading in public.
The camera zoomed in on the center of the stage where a short, somewhat fat, balding man of clearly Indian ancestry with a face that suggested mild retardation was standing attired in the dark brown uniform of a government sanitation worker. Next to him stood Lieutenant Colonel Ludwig who looked resplendent in his velvet and red satin judicial robes and a fine black cape made of the purest silk which signified his status as a high magistrate judge of the Court of Sharia Appeals.
Colonel Ludwig stepped in front of a large array of microphones and in a stern, yet inspiring tone, addressed the enormous crowd before him, “My fellow citizens of the great Patriarchal Peoples Republic of America, I give to you the condemned whores who have been sentenced by a righteous verdict of this holy and honorable court. Let it be known that there shall be neither tolerance or mercy for those vile jezebels who flaunt their promiscuity and in so doing bring forth the annihilating wrath of Allah!”
The crowd roared with enthusiasm and shouts of “Allahu Akbar!” and “Alhamdulillah!” could be heard surging across the entire arena.
Colonel Ludwig raised his hand and motioned for the rabble to desist from their rambunctious approbation.
“Silence, all of you! And now here this! Before you stands Private Third Class Jagdeep Dhankhar, a man who serves a most humble and lowly task of cleaning the men’s toilets in the IPF SS central barracks in Rodgerston yet, who by virtue of his own valor and courage, has been given a place of distinguished honor tonight on this hallowed ground which is consecrated to Allah.”
Colonel Ludwig continued, “The private was just last week assaulted by a gang of musclebound, steroid raging Chads who had just finished ravaging a group of vile whorish young foids when they saw Jagdeep making his way to his government issued panel van. The Chads mercilessly attacked the private but they could not have known that he was a man of ingenuity and wit, for he always kept in his pocket a vile of acidic chemicals that he had acquired through his cleaning assignments in case he ever needed to throw them upon the face of a slutty foid as punishment for public insolence. In this case however, Jagdeep removed the cap from his defensive acid mixture and unleashed it upon the Chads, who were by then pummeling him with their merciless punches. They all suffered severe chemical burns and were so incapacitated that the private was able to restrain them using the large supply of toilet paper which he had in his work supplies.”
“So, as you can now see, this humble servant of Allah and dutiful cleaner of SS toilets performed a most honorable and courageous act in the face of almost certain death and we hereby decree that as a just and suitable reward for his heroics, he be granted the privilege of personally administering the sentence upon the accused this evening.”
Colonel Ludwig stepped back and removed a large, beautifully crafted medieval Islamic scimitar whose blade was inscribed with the pledge of Jihad allegiance in Arabic and solemnly handed it to Jagdeep.
The private then went down the long row of condemned sluts each of whose head was strapped to a wooden chopping block and proceeded to decapitate them with great zeal and gusto.
The camera panned out across the glorious scene of the justice of Sharia being imposed upon those wretched harlots and then cut back to the interior of the studio where both Brigadier General Coffin and Colonel Ludwig were overcome with mirth and laughing almost hysterically at the site of so many whorish heads rolling about on the ground.
Finally, the Horst Wessel Leid began to play and all the citizens in the studio audience stood at attention in a show of respect for what was the official national anthem of the PPRM and had once been the anthem of the glorious Nazi Party.
General Coffin turned to the camera and said with a smile, “We hope you enjoyed our program today and we dedicate this show to the memory of all the incel martyrs who, through their valorous sacrifice and selfless service, brought forth a new dawn for all mankind. Allahu Akbar and inshallah!”
Jack turned the TV off, buttoned up his black SS officer’s tunic, pulled down his crimson beret snugly over his receding hairline and walked out to his government issued sedan thinking to himself that today will be the day that he infiltrates the resistance and brings those wretched seductresses with their repugnant feminine charms to the justice of Allah.
Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
- Kubizek
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- Posts: 36
- Registered for: 7 months
IPF Service Award
Very well written. I agree that we could be the first to read the new Mein Kampf. One day, this might be required reading in all schools. Unlike the great Fuhrer of the past, yours will be written without failure as the Fuhrer failed in his first attempt. I'm looking forward to Chapter 3 and being motivated towards a brighter future.
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein INCEL Fuhrer!
Very well written. I agree that we could be the first to read the new Mein Kampf. One day, this might be required reading in all schools. Unlike the great Fuhrer of the past, yours will be written without failure as the Fuhrer failed in his first attempt. I'm looking forward to Chapter 3 and being motivated towards a brighter future.
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein INCEL Fuhrer!
Meine Ehre Heist True!