Why Cheating Needs To Be Punished!!!!

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The fact that cheating is not punished by law in Western countries is a disgrace, they will arrest you for streaming a football match illegally but will support a woman in the divorce court after she has cheated on her husband and ruined not only his life but the kid's lives as well. Cheating not only has a huge mental health effect on the victim, but it also has a significant financial effect as this will result in the man having to sell or move out of his home to accommodate the ex-wife and kids. As a result of the wife cheating, the kids are then brought up without a father in the house and will likely only see their real father on rare occasions due to either location restraints or legal restraints. In addition to this, the man will still have to pay child support even though this was a cause of his ex-wife's inability to keep her legs closed to big cock chad. You're probably wondering why I'm just focusing on women as men can cheat too, however, when women cheat the impact is far more devastating, and from my experience are a lot more likely to cheat (If someone can send statistical evidence that would be great) due to the diverse range of options they possess compared to their male counterparts. They are often better at hiding the evidence as well, and their intent with cheating is often a lot worse compared to men where it is usually just due to a lack of intimacy. I think the punishment for cheating should be 1 year jail time and a £10,000 fine to the victim if enough evidence is shown to criminally convict the perpetrator as the devastating effects this can have go far beyond what I have spoken about on here. We have seen many cases of men taking their own lives because they have seen their wife of 20+ years cheating, with some even taking the wife out as well in the process leaving the kids they have to be orphans. This is not to be taken lightly and the fact you can get away with doing something as devastating as this is a testament to how protected women are in society, they can get away with almost anything and something needs to be done about the damaging effects they are having not only on the future children but the present men that are having to deal with their stupidity and lack of responsibility for their actions. :pepehandscry :pepehandscry :pepehandscry
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this is all because the progressives have destabilized society in the name of their deluded globalist utopian vision. this enlightenment crap originated in 1500s England and is now destabilizing itself.
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Degeneracy is encouraged so it's not surprising that adultery is unpunished. Only non-chad men are held accountable for cheating.

When there is no sense of order and fairness in soyciety, nothing can be taken seriously.
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