Some young people are just like retarded old people

Talk about anything pertaining to men's rights and the plight of disenfranchised men
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Mentally lost cel
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they are so out of touch with reality and really dont know how the real world works at all

for example ı was talkıng to this fat retarded ugly american , told hım ı talked to a girl for an hour ın school , then this retarded moron said ''just ask her out''

this retard lives in his own dream world and thinks like the average retarded boomer dad ı hate these low ıq faggots so much

relatıonshıps doesnt work like that for many men for fucks sake ı hate these retards so much , they are nothıng different than normies
The Prince Of İstanbul
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this is the social engineers' way of artificially selecting good little progressives to make more degenerate debt bitches
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