Don't Bother Faking It

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Joined: 19 Jul 2024, 03:06

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Classic advice is to "fake it till you make it."
There's truth to this but put it simply, this doesn't work for unattractive neurodivergent men.

Faking it only increases the pain of living as an incel. When you fake you are putting effort into trying to fit in with normies. Nothing ever ends well with trying to pretend like your a normie. Even if the incel doesn't care, normies will remind you why you best stick in your own lane by being on the aggressive front. Don't waste your time or energy.

You don't have to act like a fool in public or do anything that gets you in trouble with the law or community of any sorts.
But just don't fake it. Examples are:

You fake being NT by trying to copy-cat what NT people do. You spend money and effort into NT Hobbies. You try to brainwash yourself into thinking like a NT normie. NT meaning neurotypical which is the opposite of neurodivergent.

Another example is you fake acting confident. Red and blue pilled spaces will tell men to approach foids in public. This is extreme. Say something more realistic like trying to be less invisible to normies by going out of your way to chat with them, even when fully knowing you'll just receive negative reinforcement socially you still make you way across to them and strike a conversation with them. Again a waste of time.
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