Parasite and Host

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Joined: 24 Jan 2025, 08:09

Here on this post women are referred to as parasite and men as host.
A few minutes ago i was watching redo of healer episode 1 for porn when I cum. After that I watched the scene where the healer was raped by palace maids and they forced themselves on him to make him ejaculate in their vagina as it increases their potential and makes them stronger. With my post nut clarity I am writing this post.

The "increased potential and strength " reminded me of a parasite that drains the host strength and makes itself more stronger. This also reminded me that if I focused on my studies instead of thinking of woman I would have gone to the best university instead of the shithole college I went.

Apex mind like Newton and tesla were virgins and never let their cum come out instead focused on their intellectual pursuits that led to modern civilization. Here the parasite to live drains the host. But the parasite has no strength or wisdom to fight the host hence it simulates the biology of the host and drains semen .

With porn, erotic novels , hentai manga and cosplay the parasite use this to drain a large number of hosts deemed inferior as per the parasite . Remember testosterone is the hormone of gods and great people all hosts never allowed themselves to be drained by parasite.

The parasites further go to host deemed superior by the parasite to drain the semen hence weakening all hosts collectively while strengthening it's ability to get resources . For this to work all parasites must cooperate with each other which we can see perfectly displayed by feminism .

The parasite can use this semen to produce more parasite or hosts and grooms the host in childhood to make him feel good when releasing the semen but the fact is that it weakens us and reduces the potential . The parasite teaches the younger parasite on how to drain the other hosts.

The host after feeling drained realizes the truth and his mind feels cleared hence enters a period of complete focus but when the host's body makes enough testosterone due to childhood grooming he thinks it is to be ejaculated as semen not knowing that his strength and potential are being lost . This forms a vicious cycle .

With the conveniences provided by host the paradise take more resources as this can be seen that more than 3/4 of consumer spending is done by parasites. Be aware of parasites. Take care and share to other hosts.
:putsCheers: :putsCheers: :putsCheers: :putsCheers: :putsCheers:
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