Reasons for the failure of incels as real politicians

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The incel movement as a political movement is doomed to failure because it is secondary.
Any stupid whore can neutralize an incel simply by spreading her legs in front of him.
This movement is completely dependent on women and gives stupid whores super value.
Let’s say we manage to assemble a squad of incels.
Women will be able to neutralize this squad at any time simply by spreading their legs.
Since the main goal of an incel is sex with women. And when the stupid whores spread their legs, the goal will be achieved.
Incels who have not accepted blackpill are the weakest link and they will prefer women and sex rather than political struggle.
From the point of view of the metaphysics of Islam, these are kafirs.
That is, those who bowed to the golden calf. Cafer can be bought for money.
In the same way, women can easily lure any incel to their side for sex.
Hatred is certainly a spiritual value, because a truly believing fanatic cannot be bought or lured to the side of the forces of good.
Therefore, incels cannot be the basis for a radical political organization and real politics.
As soon as such a movement arises, women can easily neutralize it by giving them sex. And that's where it all ends
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General Alek
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thank you for your contribution, Private Fucker

but you underestimate the honour of the incels in this organisation, particularly the officers
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fucker684 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:05 pm The incel movement as a political movement is doomed to failure because it is secondary.
Any stupid whore can neutralize an incel simply by spreading her legs in front of him.
This movement is completely dependent on women and gives stupid whores super value.
Let’s say we manage to assemble a squad of incels.
Women will be able to neutralize this squad at any time simply by spreading their legs.
Since the main goal of an incel is sex with women. And when the stupid whores spread their legs, the goal will be achieved.
Incels who have not accepted blackpill are the weakest link and they will prefer women and sex rather than political struggle.
From the point of view of the metaphysics of Islam, these are kafirs.
That is, those who bowed to the golden calf. Cafer can be bought for money.
In the same way, women can easily lure any incel to their side for sex.
Hatred is certainly a spiritual value, because a truly believing fanatic cannot be bought or lured to the side of the forces of good.
Therefore, incels cannot be the basis for a radical political organization and real politics.
As soon as such a movement arises, women can easily neutralize it by giving them sex. And that's where it all ends
See below for my thoughts on this very important topic which you have raised above comrade:

Captain, Commanding Officer and Founding Father of the Incel Movement
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This ties into how incels stomp on each other just like on for validation for a supposed "e-girl."
The moment a woman is brought into the picture, all the talk of loyalty and brotherhood goes out the window.

This is why the word "incel" doesn't describe this forum and I've suggested a new term for us be coined.
To make things worse, the word "incel" has lost its meaning overtime.
Incel is more so a slur nowadays than an actual description of the true selves we are.

Being self identified "incels" would do us more harm with being associated with just simply being involuntarly celibate which we are but doesn't truly represent the goals we strive for.

We want more than just being labelled self pitiful "incels."

Perhaps we could go with something synonymous with "exiles" to self-describe ourselves. Or something along those lines to separate ourselves distinctly from the rest.

I would say that and the rest of other incel enclaves and communities don't have a cohrenet sense of direction. They are "ghosts." They are there one day and they leave soon after. They don't really truly grasp the severity of what it means to be a man. They are only scraping the surface level with the same old talks of how looks matter. They don't even agree on the most simplest of things because they don't have any form of definition on what it means these days to be an involuntarily celibate man.

Their true ugly head is reared when they do not have the values or directions and are pitted against one another and see the lack of cause of the bigger picture at hand.

This is why this forum and community has to set itself apart as soon as possible. We need to create our own type of community. We shouldn't focus on whether it's small or not. Better to have a small group of focused men than to have a large disorganised chaotic mindless group.
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It's not really true. Because sex alone is not the goal.
The goal is to fix this whole sizuation, because otherwise you will never have true success. It's important that longterm relationships can work and that women stop being narcissists and disrespectful towards men. Women need to become loyal.
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